Subject: Re: [netbsd-docs-de] new pages
To: None <>
From: Christoph Leuzinger <>
List: netbsd-docs-de
Date: 11/30/2001 16:14:02
Jan Schaumann tippste:
> I realized a few issues as I went through the translation, which I'd
> like to throw in here for discussion:
> "Release" -- what does this translate to?  On this page, we use
>        "Freigabe", but I think it sounds awkward.  Should we just leave it at
>        "Release"?

I'd suppose so. It's also helpful, because people will find this word
often in english news or on ftp servers.

> "supported Platform" - wollen wir da wirklich "unterstuetzte Platform"
> sagen?  Wie sonst koennte man "supported" adaequat uebersetzen?

I don't like it very much, but I can't think of anything better,
except the spelling of german "Plattform" with double "t". ;)

> "Year 2000 Compliance" -- Compliance?

Uhm. Vertraeglichkeit?

> "interface" -- Interface?

Depends on the context. Usually I'd translate it with "Schnittstelle".

"Don't cut your nose off yourself."
                                           -Casey Stengel