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Re: misc/59155 (bin/sh/t_input:nul_elimination, possibly other sh tests, require root for silly reasons)

The following reply was made to PR misc/59155; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Robert Elz <kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost>
To: Jason Thorpe <>
Subject: Re: misc/59155 (bin/sh/t_input:nul_elimination, possibly other sh tests, require root for silly reasons)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:01:31 +0700

     Date:        Sun, 9 Mar 2025 15:06:57 -0700
     From:        Jason Thorpe <>
     Message-ID:  <>
   | I did a baseline run of the full test suite on a fresh NetBSD 10.1
   | install on an AlphaStation 200.  I ran it by logging in as user
   | â??thorpejâ?? and doing:
   | $ cd /usr/tests
   | $ atf-run | atf-report
   | â?¦and then I let it run for like 2 days (because thatâ??s how long it took).
 Yes, a full test run can take a long time, even on modern fast processors.
   | And at the end I had a the following list of failures:
   | Failed test cases:
 I'm not going to comment on the others at the minute (but some of the
 available tests are truly just broken, and when they work it is often
 just by chance, even if that seems to happen every time) but of these
   |    bin/sh/t_input:nul_elimination,
   |    bin/sh/t_patterns:filename_expansion,
   |    bin/sh/t_syntax:g_variable_syntax,
 the first two could be related to the inability to create files,
 the third cannot, all it is doing is setting and testing various
 shell variables (some of them with very long names).
 Can you do as Taylor asked (this should not run for more than a
 few seconds, even on a small alpha) and do
 	cd /usr/tests/bin/sh
 	atf-run t_input:nul_elimination
 and save the output, and send that here.   And then (as t_input is
 just a sh script) if there still looks to be a problem with creating, edit it (the "binary") and just before the cat > <<...
 	ls -ld .
 and run it again (and send the output from that).   You could also
 run t_syntax:g_variable_syntax in a similar way, and if that is
 still failing then run it again as
 	TEST_SH='/bin/sh -X' atf-run t_syntax:g_variable_syntax
 and send the output from that, so I can see what is happening (if
 you're using csh, or tcsh, or similar, stick "env" in front of that).
 The filename_expansion test is one of the slowest sh tests (ignoring
 those which are slow because they sleep for one reason or another)
 as it creates lots of files and directories, so I'd hold off on
 looking to see what it is doing until we work out what looks to be
 wrong with the others.
 ps: most of the traceme* failures will be duplicates of each other.
 I tried to convince Kamil (when he was adding all of that) to only
 do all the tests of the wait*() functions for the 2 that are actually
 system calls, and beyond that just test that the others map into the
 underlying sys call correctly, but he wouldn't...

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