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Re: bin/55973: ntpd(8) does not notice all interface changes any more

Looks like it is behaving as expected.

XFAC just means interfaces have changed in between - should recover at next poll.
INIT means that ntpd has not yet seen a reply packet (possibly not even 
requested one
up to now.

Keep in mind the ntpd polls at its normal rate and needs at least 4 replys before considering
tracking the time on a peer. So if interfaces come up after ntpd attempts to

query peers we basically miss the first 64 second poll interval.

A closer look is needed whether it is unfortunate timing.


On 02/04/21 17:55, Roy Marples wrote:
The following reply was made to PR bin/55973; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Roy Marples <>
To: Frank Kardel <>,,,,
Subject: Re: bin/55973: ntpd(8) does not notice all interface changes any more
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 16:54:21 +0000

  Hi Frank
On 04/02/2021 10:59, Frank Kardel wrote:
  > seems like one of the last routing socket optimizations have gone
  > unintendedly too far. Roy, could you please check?
So on my pinebook with ntpd dated Jan 1 this year (ie before my latest changes)
  I see the same / similar behaviour as on my dev machine with the latest code.
I start ntpd without any interface other than lo0 on my pinebook and have netbsd
  pool ntp servers setup.
I hotplug urtwn0 and after the address as left the tentative state, ntpq -pn
  shows remote's appear but in the .INIT. state.
  After 5 minutes waiting only one of these has left the .INIT. state and now has
  a refid.
I can restart ntpd a few times and eventually some or all leave the .INIT. state. I unplug urtwn0, ntpq reports no ids and plug it back in.
  ntpd sees the address leave tentative and voila ids come back.
  two have refids, one is in .INIT. and one is in .XFAC.
I have no idea what this means, but I suggest things are working? Roy

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