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kern/55022: pgdaemon busy loops

>Number:         55022
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       pgdaemon busy loops
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Feb 26 12:15:00 +0000 2020
>Originator:     Martin Husemann
>Release:        NetBSD 9.99.48
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
System: NetBSD 9.99.48 NetBSD 9.99.48 (GENERIC) #44: Wed Feb 26 10:25:11 CET 2020 landisk
Architecture: sh3el
Machine: landisk

Within minutes after starting a full atf test run this machine "locks up"
(can get into ddb, but does not even echo input on console).

Last week the full test run worked.


Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
    2018, 2019, 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 9.99.48 (GENERIC) #44: Wed Feb 26 10:25:11 CET 2020
total memory = 65536 KB
avail memory = 59692 KB
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
Kernelized RAIDframe activated
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: SH4 266.666 MHz PCLOCK 33.333 MHz
cpu0: 8KB/32B direct-mapped Instruction cache.
cpu0: 16KB/32B direct-mapped Data cache.
cpu0: U0, P0, P3 write-through; P1 write-through
cpu0: full-associative 4 ITLB, 64 UTLB entries
cpu0: multiple virtual storage mode, SQ access: kernel, wired 3
shpcic0 at mainbus0: vendor 1054 product 350e (host bridge, revision 0x01)
pci0 at shpcic0
pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled
re0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0: RealTek 8139C+ 10/100BaseTX (rev. 0x20)
re0: interrupting at irq 5
re0: Ethernet address 00:a0:b0:65:0e:ce
re0: using 64 tx descriptors
rlphy0 at re0 phy 0: Realtek internal PHY
rlphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
ohci0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0: vendor 1033 product 0035 (rev. 0x43)
ohci0: interrupting at irq 7
ohci0: OHCI version 1.0
usb0 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
ohci1 at pci0 dev 2 function 1: vendor 1033 product 0035 (rev. 0x43)
ohci1: interrupting at irq 8
ohci1: OHCI version 1.0
usb1 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
ehci0 at pci0 dev 2 function 2: vendor 1033 product 00e0 (rev. 0x04)
ehci0: interrupting at irq 5
ehci0: EHCI version 1.0
ehci0: 2 companion controllers, 3 ports each: ohci0 ohci1
usb2 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
shb0 at mainbus0
scif0 at shb0
scif0: console
rs5c313rtc0 at shb0: RICOH 5C313 real time clock
obio0 at mainbus0
wdc0 at obio0 port 0x14000000-0x1400000f irq 10
atabus0 at wdc0 channel 0
btn0 at obio0 irq 12: USL-5P buttons
pwrsw0 at obio0 irq 11: Power Switch
timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
timecounter: Timecounter "tmu_pclock_4" frequency 8333333 Hz quality 0
uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0000) OHCI root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
uhub1 at usb1: NetBSD (0000) OHCI root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub2 at usb2: NetBSD (0000) EHCI root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0
wd0: <TS8GCF133>
wd0: drive supports 1-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd0: 7647 MB, 15538 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 15662304 sectors
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 5 (Ultra/100)
boot device: wd0
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b

Some details from ddb:

Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12, ncolors=1
  14942 VM pages: 6613 active, 3183 inactive, 2136 wired, 6 free
  pages  4821 anon, 4728 file, 2412 exec
  freemin=74, free-target=98, wired-max=4980
  resv-pg=1, resv-kernel=5, zeropages=0
  bootpages=239, poolpages=2681
  faults=329734, traps=386928, intrs=544352, ctxswitch=68547
   softint=31757, syscalls=386926
  fault counts:
    noram=33, noanon=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=1704(1704), anget(retrys)=107059(341), amapcopy=57804
    neighbor anon/obj pg=80919/595101, gets(lock/unlock)=134630/1363
    cases: anon=61977, anoncow=45082, obj=119353, prcopy=15277, przero=60298
  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=126, revs=126, scans=76271, obscans=44218, anscans=1492
    busy=200, freed=45700, reactivate=1670, deactivate=80911
    pageouts=99, pending=1397, nswget=341
    nswapdev=1, swpgavail=65531
    swpages=65531, swpginuse=738, swpgonly=620, paging=0
db> ps
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
6540     1 3   0         0           8fe17700                 ps flt_noram5
6602     1 3   0        80           8fe17d00                sed pipe_rd
6422     1 3   0        80           8da24a00                 sh wait
5927     1 3   0        80           8fa9e340                 sh wait
6664     1 3   0        80           8fa9e640                 sh pipe_rd
3302     1 3   0        80           8ceb2340               tail kqueue
459      1 3   0        80           8da24d00               tcsh pause
1076     1 3   0        80           8da24400               rxvt select
1173     1 3   0        80           8fe17a00               tcsh pause
1085     1 3   0        80           8fa9e040               sshd select
613      1 3   0        80           8da24700               sshd poll
511      1 3   0        80           8da24100                tee pipe_rd
461      1 3   0        80           8e6dacc0         atf-report pipe_rd
499      1 3   0        80           8e6da9c0                tee pipe_rd
471      1 3   0        80           8e6da6c0            atf-run poll
484      1 3   0        80           8e6da3c0                 sh wait
457      1 3   0        80           8f88ac80                 sh wait
442      1 3   0        80           8febc040              getty ttyraw
387      1 3   0        80           8e6da0c0               cron nanoslp
433      1 3   0        80           8fa9e940              inetd kqueue
402      1 3   0        80           8f88a980               sshd select
304      1 3   0        80           8f88a080               ntpd pause
315      1 2   0         0           8fa9ec40          makemandb
158      1 3   0        80           8f88a380            syslogd kqueue
1        1 3   0        80           8fe4a0c0               init wait
0       22 3   0       200           8fe4a9c0            physiod physiod
0       37 3   0       200           8fe17400          pooldrain pooldrain
0       36 3   0       200           8fe17100            ioflush syncer
0    >  35 7   0       200           8fe4acc0           pgdaemon
0       21 3   0       200           8feebd00               usb2 usbevt
0       20 3   0       200           8feeba00               usb1 usbevt
0       33 3   0       200           8fe4a6c0               usb0 usbevt
0       32 3   0       200           8fe4a3c0            npfgc-0 npfgccv
0       31 3   0       200           8feacc80            rt_free rt_free
0       30 3   0       200           8feac980              unpgc unpgc
0       29 3   0       200           8feac680    icmp6_wqinput/0 icmp6_wqinput
0       28 3   0       200           8feac380          nd6_timer nd6_timer
0       27 3   0       200           8febc340    carp6_wqinput/0 carp6_wqinput
0       26 3   0       200           8febc640     carp_wqinput/0 carp_wqinput
0       25 3   0       200           8febc940     icmp_wqinput/0 icmp_wqinput
0       24 3   0       200           8febcc40           rt_timer rt_timer
0       23 3   0       200           8feac080        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0       19 3   0       200           8feeb700            atabus0 atath
0       18 3   0       200           8feeb400             sysmon smtaskq
0       17 3   0       200           8feeb100         usbtask-dr usbtsk
0       16 3   0       200           8ff2acc0         usbtask-hc usbtsk
0       15 3   0       200           8ff2a9c0         pmfsuspend pmfsuspend
0       14 3   0       200           8ff2a6c0           pmfevent pmfevent
0       13 3   0       200           8ff2a3c0         sopendfree sopendfr
0       12 3   0       200           8ff2a0c0            iflnkst iflnkst
0       11 3   0       200           8ff60c80           nfssilly nfssilly
0       10 3   0       200           8ff60980            cachegc cachegc
0        9 3   0       200           8ff60680             vdrain vdrain
0        8 3   0       200           8ff60380          modunload mod_unld
0        7 3   0       200           8ff60080            xcall/0 xcall
0        6 1   0       200           8ff7ac40          softser/0
0        5 1   0     40200           8ff7a940          softclk/0
0        4 1   0     40200           8ff7a640          softbio/0
0        3 1   0       200           8ff7a340          softnet/0
0        2 1   0       201           8ff7a040             idle/0
0        1 3   0       200           8c3fb900            swapper uvm
db> c
~Stopped in pid 0.35 (system) at netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x2:        rts
db> show uvm
Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12, ncolors=1
  14942 VM pages: 6613 active, 3183 inactive, 2136 wired, 6 free
  pages  4821 anon, 4728 file, 2412 exec
  freemin=74, free-target=98, wired-max=4980
  resv-pg=1, resv-kernel=5, zeropages=0
  bootpages=239, poolpages=2681
  faults=329734, traps=386929, intrs=545301, ctxswitch=68547
   softint=31757, syscalls=386926
  fault counts:
    noram=33, noanon=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=1704(1704), anget(retrys)=107059(341), amapcopy=57804
    neighbor anon/obj pg=80919/595101, gets(lock/unlock)=134630/1363
    cases: anon=61977, anoncow=45082, obj=119353, prcopy=15277, przero=60298
  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=126, revs=126, scans=76271, obscans=44218, anscans=1492
    busy=200, freed=45700, reactivate=1670, deactivate=80911
    pageouts=99, pending=1397, nswget=341
    nswapdev=1, swpgavail=65531
    swpages=65531, swpginuse=738, swpgonly=620, paging=0
db> ps
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
6540     1 3   0         0           8fe17700                 ps flt_noram5
6602     1 3   0        80           8fe17d00                sed pipe_rd
6422     1 3   0        80           8da24a00                 sh wait
5927     1 3   0        80           8fa9e340                 sh wait
6664     1 3   0        80           8fa9e640                 sh pipe_rd
3302     1 3   0        80           8ceb2340               tail kqueue
459      1 3   0        80           8da24d00               tcsh pause
1076     1 3   0        80           8da24400               rxvt select
1173     1 3   0        80           8fe17a00               tcsh pause
1085     1 3   0        80           8fa9e040               sshd select
613      1 3   0        80           8da24700               sshd poll
511      1 3   0        80           8da24100                tee pipe_rd
461      1 3   0        80           8e6dacc0         atf-report pipe_rd
499      1 3   0        80           8e6da9c0                tee pipe_rd
471      1 3   0        80           8e6da6c0            atf-run poll
484      1 3   0        80           8e6da3c0                 sh wait
457      1 3   0        80           8f88ac80                 sh wait
442      1 3   0        80           8febc040              getty ttyraw
387      1 3   0        80           8e6da0c0               cron nanoslp
433      1 3   0        80           8fa9e940              inetd kqueue
402      1 3   0        80           8f88a980               sshd select
304      1 3   0        80           8f88a080               ntpd pause
315      1 2   0         0           8fa9ec40          makemandb
158      1 3   0        80           8f88a380            syslogd kqueue
1        1 3   0        80           8fe4a0c0               init wait
0       22 3   0       200           8fe4a9c0            physiod physiod
0       37 3   0       200           8fe17400          pooldrain pooldrain
0       36 3   0       200           8fe17100            ioflush syncer
0    >  35 7   0       200           8fe4acc0           pgdaemon
0       21 3   0       200           8feebd00               usb2 usbevt
0       20 3   0       200           8feeba00               usb1 usbevt
0       33 3   0       200           8fe4a6c0               usb0 usbevt
0       32 3   0       200           8fe4a3c0            npfgc-0 npfgccv
0       31 3   0       200           8feacc80            rt_free rt_free
0       30 3   0       200           8feac980              unpgc unpgc
0       29 3   0       200           8feac680    icmp6_wqinput/0 icmp6_wqinput
0       28 3   0       200           8feac380          nd6_timer nd6_timer
0       27 3   0       200           8febc340    carp6_wqinput/0 carp6_wqinput
0       26 3   0       200           8febc640     carp_wqinput/0 carp_wqinput
0       25 3   0       200           8febc940     icmp_wqinput/0 icmp_wqinput
0       24 3   0       200           8febcc40           rt_timer rt_timer
0       23 3   0       200           8feac080        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0       19 3   0       200           8feeb700            atabus0 atath
0       18 3   0       200           8feeb400             sysmon smtaskq
db> c
Stopped in pid 0.35 (system) at netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x2:        rts
db> show uvm
Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12, ncolors=1
  14942 VM pages: 6613 active, 3183 inactive, 2136 wired, 6 free
  pages  4821 anon, 4728 file, 2412 exec
  freemin=74, free-target=98, wired-max=4980
  resv-pg=1, resv-kernel=5, zeropages=0
  bootpages=239, poolpages=2681
  faults=329734, traps=386930, intrs=546156, ctxswitch=68547
   softint=31757, syscalls=386926
  fault counts:
    noram=33, noanon=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=1704(1704), anget(retrys)=107059(341), amapcopy=57804
    neighbor anon/obj pg=80919/595101, gets(lock/unlock)=134630/1363
    cases: anon=61977, anoncow=45082, obj=119353, prcopy=15277, przero=60298
  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=126, revs=126, scans=76271, obscans=44218, anscans=1492
    busy=200, freed=45700, reactivate=1670, deactivate=80911
    pageouts=99, pending=1397, nswget=341
    nswapdev=1, swpgavail=65531
    swpages=65531, swpginuse=738, swpgonly=620, paging=0
db> set $lines=0
$lines          18 = 0
db> show all pools
POOL aio_jobs_pool: size 80, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 50, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL aio_lio_pool: size 24, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 169, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE amappl: size 48, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 7
        itemsperpage 84, nitems 12, nout 576, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 628, nfail 0, nput 52
        npagealloc 7, npagefree 0, hiwat 7, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 68303 misses 2168
        cache layer hits 1540 misses 628
        cache layer entry uncontended 2168 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 2 full groups 1
POOL CACHE anonpl: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00001040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 22
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 163, nout 5425, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 6242, nfail 0, nput 817
        npagealloc 22, npagefree 0, hiwat 22, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 229633 misses 7138
        cache layer hits 896 misses 6242
        cache layer entry uncontended 7138 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 5 full groups 0
POOL ataspl: size 100, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 40, nitems 40, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 20431, nfail 0, nput 20431
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL CACHE biopl: size 184, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 22, nitems 1, nout 43, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 96, nfail 0, nput 53
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 40720 misses 109
        cache layer hits 13 misses 96
        cache layer entry uncontended 109 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 2
POOL brtpl: size 36, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 112, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL buf16k: size 16384, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c404930
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 53
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 16, nout 196, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 298, nfail 0, nput 102
        npagealloc 56, npagefree 3, hiwat 56, nidle 0
POOL buf1k: size 1024, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 1
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 4, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 1, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL buf2k: size 2048, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 191
        itemsperpage 2, nitems 2, nout 380, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 416, nfail 0, nput 36
        npagealloc 198, npagefree 7, hiwat 191, nidle 1
POOL buf32k: size 32768, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c404930
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 1
        itemsperpage 2, nitems 2, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL buf4k: size 4096, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 7
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 1, nout 6, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 8, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 9, npagefree 2, hiwat 7, nidle 1
POOL buf512b: size 512, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 1
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 8, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL buf64k: size 65536, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c404930
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 1
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 1, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL buf8k: size 8192, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c404930
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 2
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 8, nout 8, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 12, nfail 0, nput 4
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
POOL CACHE bufpl: size 184, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 27
        itemsperpage 22, nitems 4, nout 590, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 598, nfail 0, nput 8
        npagealloc 27, npagefree 0, hiwat 27, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 22 misses 600
        cache layer hits 2 misses 598
        cache layer entry uncontended 600 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL carp: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL carp6: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE ccdbuf: size 200, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 20, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL cd9660nopl: size 136, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 29, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE cwdi: size 24, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 169, nitems 144, nout 25, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 32, nfail 0, nput 7
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4379 misses 35
        cache layer hits 3 misses 32
        cache layer entry uncontended 35 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL dirhepl: size 28, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 259, npages 0
        itemsperpage 145, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL dirhpl: size 156, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE ehcixfer: size 208, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 19, nitems 18, nout 1, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 47 misses 3
        cache layer hits 1 misses 2
        cache layer entry uncontended 3 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL execargs: size 262144, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010c00
        alloc 0x8c3fb6c0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 16, npages 1
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 1, nout 0, hardlimit 16
        nget 1090, nfail 0, nput 1090
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL ext2fsinopl: size 176, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 23, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL extent: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 5, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE fdfile: size 28, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00001040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 145, nitems 48, nout 97, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 115, nfail 0, nput 18
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 14592 misses 118
        cache layer hits 3 misses 115
        cache layer entry uncontended 118 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ffsdino1: size 128, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 106
        itemsperpage 31, nitems 19, nout 3267, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3775, nfail 0, nput 508
        npagealloc 106, npagefree 0, hiwat 106, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 34294 misses 6067
        cache layer hits 2292 misses 3775
        cache layer entry uncontended 6067 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 12 full groups 10
POOL CACHE ffsdino2: size 256, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 16, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ffsino: size 176, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 143
        itemsperpage 23, nitems 22, nout 3267, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3596, nfail 0, nput 329
        npagealloc 143, npagefree 0, hiwat 143, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 34473 misses 5901
        cache layer hits 2305 misses 3596
        cache layer entry uncontended 5901 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 12 full groups 10
POOL CACHE file: size 64, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 63, nitems 40, nout 86, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 97, nfail 0, nput 11
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 56947 misses 101
        cache layer hits 4 misses 97
        cache layer entry uncontended 101 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE filedesc: size 652, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 5
        itemsperpage 6, nitems 5, nout 25, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 30, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 5, npagefree 0, hiwat 5, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4381 misses 33
        cache layer hits 3 misses 30
        cache layer entry uncontended 33 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL icmp: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL icmp6: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL igmppl: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL in6pcbpl: size 176, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 23, nitems 17, nout 6, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 71, nfail 0, nput 65
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL inmltpl: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 125, nout 2, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL inpcbpl: size 140, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 29, nitems 22, nout 7, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 99, nfail 0, nput 92
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE ipfrenpl: size 24, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 169, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kcpuset: size 12, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 338, nitems 335, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 3
        cache layer hits 0 misses 3
        cache layer entry uncontended 3 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kcredpl: size 164, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 24, nitems 11, nout 37, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 38, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 934 misses 40
        cache layer hits 2 misses 38
        cache layer entry uncontended 40 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00008: size 8, align 8, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010400
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 512, nitems 289, nout 735, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 740, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 195581 misses 2136
        cache layer hits 1396 misses 740
        cache layer entry uncontended 2136 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 14 full groups 4
POOL CACHE kmem-00016: size 16, align 8, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010400
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 3
        itemsperpage 256, nitems 206, nout 562, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 572, nfail 0, nput 10
        npagealloc 3, npagefree 0, hiwat 3, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 161703 misses 985
        cache layer hits 413 misses 572
        cache layer entry uncontended 985 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 2 full groups 3
POOL CACHE kmem-00032: size 32, align 8, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010400
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 26
        itemsperpage 128, nitems 2812, nout 516, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3505, nfail 0, nput 2989
        npagealloc 26, npagefree 0, hiwat 26, nidle 19
        cpu layer hits 33290 misses 3825
        cache layer hits 320 misses 3505
        cache layer entry uncontended 3825 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 9 full groups 4
POOL CACHE kmem-00064: size 64, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 13
        itemsperpage 63, nitems 11, nout 808, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 820, nfail 0, nput 12
        npagealloc 13, npagefree 0, hiwat 13, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 73145 misses 2162
        cache layer hits 1342 misses 820
        cache layer entry uncontended 2162 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 8 full groups 2
POOL CACHE kmem-00128: size 128, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 18
        itemsperpage 31, nitems 7, nout 551, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 551, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 18, npagefree 0, hiwat 18, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 38710 misses 843
        cache layer hits 292 misses 551
        cache layer entry uncontended 843 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 4 full groups 12
POOL CACHE kmem-00192: size 192, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 8
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 1, nout 167, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 177, nfail 0, nput 10
        npagealloc 8, npagefree 0, hiwat 8, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 6592 misses 180
        cache layer hits 3 misses 177
        cache layer entry uncontended 180 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00256: size 256, align 64, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 6
        itemsperpage 16, nitems 10, nout 86, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 101, nfail 0, nput 15
        npagealloc 6, npagefree 0, hiwat 6, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 9123 misses 105
        cache layer hits 4 misses 101
        cache layer entry uncontended 105 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00320: size 320, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 4
        itemsperpage 12, nitems 7, nout 41, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 41, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 4, npagefree 0, hiwat 4, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 2417 misses 44
        cache layer hits 3 misses 41
        cache layer entry uncontended 44 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00384: size 384, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 6
        itemsperpage 10, nitems 7, nout 53, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 62, nfail 0, nput 9
        npagealloc 6, npagefree 0, hiwat 6, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 1465 misses 65
        cache layer hits 3 misses 62
        cache layer entry uncontended 65 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00448: size 448, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 4
        itemsperpage 9, nitems 2, nout 34, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 40, nfail 0, nput 6
        npagealloc 4, npagefree 0, hiwat 4, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 2232 misses 43
        cache layer hits 3 misses 40
        cache layer entry uncontended 43 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00512: size 512, align 64, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 5
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 1, nout 39, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 42, nfail 0, nput 3
        npagealloc 5, npagefree 0, hiwat 5, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 5570 misses 45
        cache layer hits 3 misses 42
        cache layer entry uncontended 45 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-00768: size 768, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 7
        itemsperpage 5, nitems 3, nout 32, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 47, nfail 0, nput 15
        npagealloc 7, npagefree 0, hiwat 7, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 5866 misses 51
        cache layer hits 4 misses 47
        cache layer entry uncontended 51 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-01024: size 1024, align 64, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 58
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 3, nout 229, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 239, nfail 0, nput 10
        npagealloc 58, npagefree 0, hiwat 58, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 3113 misses 242
        cache layer hits 3 misses 239
        cache layer entry uncontended 242 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-02048: size 2048, align 64, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 17
        itemsperpage 2, nitems 0, nout 34, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 35, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 17, npagefree 0, hiwat 17, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 2454 misses 37
        cache layer hits 2 misses 35
        cache layer entry uncontended 37 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kmem-04096: size 4096, align 4096, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 21
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 0, nout 21, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 23, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 21, npagefree 0, hiwat 21, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 8110 misses 25
        cache layer hits 2 misses 23
        cache layer entry uncontended 25 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ksiginfo: size 108, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 37, nitems 35, nout 2, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 4, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 694 misses 6
        cache layer hits 2 misses 4
        cache layer entry uncontended 6 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ktrace: size 96, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 42, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kva-12288: size 12288, align 4096, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010e00
        alloc 0x8c41b668
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 5, nitems 2, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 4, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 3 misses 5
        cache layer hits 1 misses 4
        cache layer entry uncontended 5 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kva-16384: size 16384, align 4096, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010e00
        alloc 0x8c41b668
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 0, nout 8, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 8, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 8
        cache layer hits 0 misses 8
        cache layer entry uncontended 8 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kva-4096: size 4096, align 4096, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010e00
        alloc 0x8c41b668
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 16, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE kva-8192: size 8192, align 4096, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010e00
        alloc 0x8c41b668
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 7, nout 1, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 3 misses 3
        cache layer hits 1 misses 2
        cache layer entry uncontended 3 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL lfsdinopl: size 256, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 16, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL lfsinoextpl: size 112, align 8, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 36, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL lfsinopl: size 144, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 28, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL lfslbnpool: size 16, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 254, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL llentrypl: size 168, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 24, nitems 22, nout 2, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE lockf: size 64, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 63, nitems 54, nout 9, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 11, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 66785 misses 13
        cache layer hits 2 misses 11
        cache layer entry uncontended 13 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE lwppl: size 768, align 64, ioff 64, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 13
        itemsperpage 5, nitems 3, nout 62, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 67, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 13, npagefree 0, hiwat 13, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4389 misses 69
        cache layer hits 2 misses 67
        cache layer entry uncontended 69 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE mbpl: size 256, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 16, minpages 1, maxpages 4294967295, npages 6
        itemsperpage 16, nitems 19, nout 77, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 82, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 6, npagefree 0, hiwat 6, nidle 1
        cpu layer hits 5976 misses 84
        cache layer hits 2 misses 82
        cache layer entry uncontended 84 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE mclpl: size 2048, align 64, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 8, minpages 4, maxpages 1024, npages 41
        itemsperpage 2, nitems 8, nout 74, hardlimit 2048
        nget 77, nfail 0, nput 3
        npagealloc 43, npagefree 2, hiwat 41, nidle 4
        cpu layer hits 2485 misses 79
        cache layer hits 2 misses 77
        cache layer entry uncontended 79 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE mqmsgpl: size 1024, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL msdosfhpl: size 28, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 145, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL msdosnopl: size 116, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 35, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE mutex: size 12, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 10
        itemsperpage 338, nitems 26, nout 3354, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3609, nfail 0, nput 255
        npagealloc 10, npagefree 0, hiwat 10, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 42259 misses 5925
        cache layer hits 2316 misses 3609
        cache layer entry uncontended 5925 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 14 full groups 9
POOL CACHE ncache: size 92, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 75
        itemsperpage 44, nitems 27, nout 3273, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3844, nfail 0, nput 571
        npagealloc 75, npagefree 0, hiwat 75, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 48041 misses 6964
        cache layer hits 3120 misses 3844
        cache layer entry uncontended 6964 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 27 full groups 16
POOL nfsnodepl: size 204, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 19, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL nfsreqcachepl: size 56, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 72, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL nfsrvdescpl: size 184, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 22, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL nfsvapl: size 136, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 29, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE npfcn4pl: size 120, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 33, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE npfcn6pl: size 168, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 24, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE npfnatpl: size 64, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 63, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE npftblpl: size 28, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 145, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ohcixfer: size 188, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 20, nout 1, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 39 misses 3
        cache layer hits 1 misses 2
        cache layer entry uncontended 3 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ohcixfer: size 188, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 20, nout 1, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 35 misses 3
        cache layer hits 1 misses 2
        cache layer entry uncontended 3 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL pcache: size 576, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 10
        itemsperpage 7, nitems 2, nout 68, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 68, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 10, npagefree 0, hiwat 10, nidle 0
POOL pcachecpu: size 40, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 101, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL pcglarge: size 508, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 7
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 39, nout 17, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 82, nfail 0, nput 65
        npagealloc 7, npagefree 0, hiwat 7, nidle 4
POOL pcgnormal: size 124, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 15
        itemsperpage 32, nitems 66, nout 414, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 1152, nfail 0, nput 738
        npagealloc 15, npagefree 0, hiwat 15, nidle 1
POOL pdict128: size 156, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL pdict16: size 44, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 92, nitems 80, nout 12, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 60, nfail 0, nput 48
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL pdict32: size 60, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 67, nitems 63, nout 4, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 4, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL pewpl: size 12, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 1, minpages 1, maxpages 1, npages 1
        itemsperpage 338, nitems 338, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 1
POOL phpool-1024: size 156, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL phpool-128: size 44, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 92, nitems 66, nout 26, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 26, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL phpool-2048: size 284, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 14, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL phpool-256: size 60, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 67, nitems 64, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL phpool-32: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 4
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 26, nout 482, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 496, nfail 0, nput 14
        npagealloc 4, npagefree 0, hiwat 4, nidle 0
POOL phpool-4096: size 540, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 7, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL phpool-512: size 92, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 44, nitems 42, nout 2, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL phpool-64: size 36, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e78
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 112, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE piperd: size 188, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 8, nout 13, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 14, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 2541 misses 16
        cache layer hits 2 misses 14
        cache layer entry uncontended 16 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE pipewr: size 188, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 9, nout 12, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 13, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 2543 misses 15
        cache layer hits 2 misses 13
        cache layer entry uncontended 15 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE plimitpl: size 216, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 18, nitems 14, nout 4, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 5, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 15 misses 7
        cache layer hits 2 misses 5
        cache layer entry uncontended 7 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL pmappl: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 178, nout 25, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2218, nfail 0, nput 2193
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE pnbufpl: size 1024, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 3
        itemsperpage 4, nitems 0, nout 12, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 19, nfail 0, nput 7
        npagealloc 3, npagefree 0, hiwat 3, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 239217 misses 21
        cache layer hits 2 misses 19
        cache layer entry uncontended 21 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE procpl: size 640, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 5
        itemsperpage 6, nitems 3, nout 27, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 29, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 5, npagefree 0, hiwat 5, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4382 misses 31
        cache layer hits 2 misses 29
        cache layer entry uncontended 31 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL proparay: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 97, nout 30, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 30, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL propdata: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL propdict: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 31, nout 96, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 122, nfail 0, nput 26
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL propnmbr: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 119, nout 8, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 8, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL propstng: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 37, nout 166, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 215, nfail 0, nput 49
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE pstatspl: size 268, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 15, nitems 3, nout 27, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 29, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4382 misses 31
        cache layer hits 2 misses 29
        cache layer entry uncontended 31 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL ptimerpl: size 228, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 17, nitems 14, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 49, nfail 0, nput 46
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL ptimerspl: size 152, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 23, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 13, nfail 0, nput 10
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL puffpnpl: size 152, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE puffprkl: size 60, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 67, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL puffvapl: size 136, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 29, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL pvpl: size 12, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c3cfbb4
        minitems 16, minpages 1, maxpages 4294967295, npages 51
        itemsperpage 338, nitems 1032, nout 16206, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 990377, nfail 0, nput 974171
        npagealloc 51, npagefree 0, hiwat 51, nidle 2
POOL CACHE ractx: size 24, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 19
        itemsperpage 169, nitems 372, nout 2839, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3999, nfail 0, nput 1160
        npagealloc 19, npagefree 0, hiwat 19, nidle 2
        cpu layer hits 14754 misses 4977
        cache layer hits 978 misses 3999
        cache layer entry uncontended 4977 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 97 full groups 10
POOL CACHE radixnode: size 64, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00001040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 44
        itemsperpage 63, nitems 1054, nout 1718, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3843, nfail 0, nput 2125
        npagealloc 44, npagefree 0, hiwat 44, nidle 3
        cpu layer hits 19827 misses 3903
        cache layer hits 60 misses 3843
        cache layer entry uncontended 3903 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 7
POOL CACHE rndctx: size 8, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 508, nitems 505, nout 3, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 4, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 13 misses 6
        cache layer hits 2 misses 4
        cache layer entry uncontended 6 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE rndsample: size 528, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 586, npages 1
        itemsperpage 7, nitems 0, nout 7, hardlimit 4096
        nget 8, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 906 misses 10
        cache layer hits 2 misses 8
        cache layer entry uncontended 10 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE rndtemp: size 512, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010000
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 8, nitems 7, nout 1, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 2, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 16 misses 4
        cache layer hits 2 misses 2
        cache layer entry uncontended 4 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL rtentpl: size 208, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 19, nitems 12, nout 26, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 28, nfail 0, nput 2
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
POOL rttmrpl: size 36, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 112, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE rwlock: size 12, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 12
        itemsperpage 338, nitems 261, nout 3795, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3869, nfail 0, nput 74
        npagealloc 12, npagefree 0, hiwat 12, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 78920 misses 6389
        cache layer hits 2520 misses 3869
        cache layer entry uncontended 6389 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 16 full groups 9
POOL sackholepl: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE sigacts: size 2056, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 27
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 0, nout 27, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 32, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 27, npagefree 0, hiwat 27, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4379 misses 34
        cache layer hits 2 misses 32
        cache layer entry uncontended 34 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL smbfsnopl: size 112, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 36, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL smbrqpl: size 156, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 26, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL smbt2pl: size 116, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 35, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL CACHE socket: size 336, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 3
        itemsperpage 12, nitems 9, nout 27, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 31, nfail 0, nput 4
        npagealloc 3, npagefree 0, hiwat 3, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 440 misses 33
        cache layer hits 2 misses 31
        cache layer entry uncontended 33 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL swp vnd: size 188, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 21, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL swp vnx: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL synpl: size 208, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 19, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 4, nfail 0, nput 4
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL tcpcbpl: size 528, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 7, nitems 1, nout 6, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 18, nfail 0, nput 12
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL tcpipqepl: size 32, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 127, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 1, nfail 0, nput 1
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 1, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE thplthrd: size 36, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 112, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL tmpfs_dirent: size 24, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 169, nitems 165, nout 4, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 350, nfail 0, nput 346
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL tmpfs_node: size 140, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 29, nitems 53, nout 5, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 351, nfail 0, nput 346
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 1
POOL CACHE tstile: size 52, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 78, nitems 16, nout 62, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 66, nfail 0, nput 4
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4390 misses 68
        cache layer hits 2 misses 66
        cache layer entry uncontended 68 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL uaoeltpl: size 84, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 48, nitems 43, nout 5, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 5, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE uarea: size 12288, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00010c00
        alloc 0x8c3f7284
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 62
        itemsperpage 1, nitems 0, nout 62, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 65, nfail 0, nput 3
        npagealloc 62, npagefree 0, hiwat 62, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4403 misses 67
        cache layer hits 2 misses 65
        cache layer entry uncontended 67 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ufsdir: size 264, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 15, nitems 15, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 1, nfail 0, nput 1
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        cpu layer hits 119 misses 2
        cache layer hits 1 misses 1
        cache layer entry uncontended 2 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE ufsdq: size 60, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 67, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer hits 0 misses 0
        cache layer entry uncontended 0 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL CACHE vcachepl: size 448, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 365
        itemsperpage 9, nitems 7, nout 3278, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 3561, nfail 0, nput 283
        npagealloc 365, npagefree 0, hiwat 365, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 35277 misses 5871
        cache layer hits 2310 misses 3561
        cache layer entry uncontended 5871 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 12 full groups 10
POOL vmembt: size 28, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403f9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 1
        itemsperpage 145, nitems 107, nout 38, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 38, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 1, npagefree 0, hiwat 1, nidle 0
POOL CACHE vmmpepl: size 84, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 28
        itemsperpage 48, nitems 14, nout 1330, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 1482, nfail 0, nput 152
        npagealloc 28, npagefree 0, hiwat 28, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 250259 misses 10066
        cache layer hits 8584 misses 1482
        cache layer entry uncontended 10066 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 8 full groups 4
POOL CACHE vmsppl: size 208, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00010040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 2
        itemsperpage 19, nitems 13, nout 25, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 30, nfail 0, nput 5
        npagealloc 2, npagefree 0, hiwat 2, nidle 0
        cpu layer hits 4381 misses 32
        cache layer hits 2 misses 30
        cache layer entry uncontended 32 contended 0
        cache layer empty groups 0 full groups 0
POOL wapbldealloc: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403e9c
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0
POOL wapblentrypl: size 20, align 4, ioff 32, roflags 0x00000040
        alloc 0x8c403ec0
        minitems 0, minpages 0, maxpages 4294967295, npages 0
        itemsperpage 203, nitems 0, nout 0, hardlimit 4294967295
        nget 0, nfail 0, nput 0
        npagealloc 0, npagefree 0, hiwat 0, nidle 0



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