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port-amd64/54031: Failed to build FireFox 65 from pkgsrc
>Number: 54031
>Category: port-amd64
>Synopsis: Failed to build FireFox 65 from pkgsrc
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: port-amd64-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: support
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Mar 02 04:30:00 +0000 2019
>Originator: Rami
>Release: NetBSD-8.0-amd64 PKG_PATH="";
NetBSD netbsd-ws 8.0_STABLE NetBSD 8.0_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Sun Feb 24 10:50:49 UTC 2019 amd64
Hi there,
I am trying to build Firefox 65 from source (pkgsrc) as there is no binary pkg for the latest version.
I am getting constantly an error and I would appreciate if any can guide me on how I can solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
netbsd-ws$ sudo make install clean
=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20180917
===> Skipping vulnerability checks.
WARNING: No /var/db/pkg/pkg-vulnerabilities file found.
WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin -K /var/db/pkg fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'.
===> Configuring for firefox-65.0.1nb1
printf '#!/bin/sh\n[ "$*" = "-f" ] && exit 0\nexec /bin/rm $@\n' > /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.cwrapper/bin/rm
chmod +x /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.cwrapper/bin/rm
cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/firefox-65.0.1 && autoconf
cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/firefox-65.0.1/js/src && autoconf
cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/firefox-65.0.1 && mkdir ../build
cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/firefox-65.0.1/../build && touch old-configure.vars
=> Generating pkg-config files for builtin libevent package.
=> Generating pkg-config file for builtin expat package.
=> Generating pkg-config files for builtin xz package.
Reexecuting in the virtualenv
checking for vcs source checkout... no
checking for a shell... /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.tools/bin/sh
checking for host system type... x86_64--netbsd
checking for target system type... x86_64--netbsd
checking for a shell... /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.tools/bin/sh
checking for host system type... x86_64--netbsd
checking for target system type... x86_64--netbsd
checking whether cross compiling... no
checking for vcs source checkout... no
checking whether cross compiling... no
checking for the target C compiler... /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.cwrapper/bin/gcc
checking whether the target C compiler can be used... yes
checking for Python 3... /usr/pkg/bin/python3.7 (3.7.1)
checking for pkg_config... /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.tools/bin/pkg-config
checking for pkg-config version... 1.4.1
checking for yasm... /usr/pkg/bin/yasm
checking yasm version... 1.3.0
checking for nasm... /usr/pkg/bin/nasm
checking nasm version... 2.14
checking the target C compiler version... 6.5.0
checking the target C compiler works... no
DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.fI9E0J.c` with content:
DEBUG: | int
DEBUG: | main(void)
DEBUG: | {
DEBUG: | ;
DEBUG: | return 0;
DEBUG: | }
DEBUG: Executing: `/usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox/work/.cwrapper/bin/gcc -c /tmp/conftest.fI9E0J.c`
DEBUG: The command returned non-zero exit status 4.
DEBUG: Its error output was:
DEBUG: | gcc: internal compiler error: Bus error (program as)
DEBUG: | Please submit a full bug report,
DEBUG: | with preprocessed source if appropriate.
DEBUG: | See <> for instructions.
ERROR: Failed compiling a simple C source with the target C compiler
*** Error code 1
make[1]: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox
cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox
sudo make install clean
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