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Re: bin/53553: gpt biosboot forcibly prepends /usr/mdec to any other paht

On Aug 25, 10:20pm, wrote:
} >Number:         53553
} >Category:       bin
} >Synopsis:       gpt biosboot forcibly prepends /usr/mdec to any other paht
} >Description:
} 	Attempting to use a gpt(8) biosboot subcommand with a file
} 	in any location other than /usr/mdec gets /usr/mdec forcibly
} 	prepended to the path.

     The code is:

        if (bootpath == NULL)
                bp = strdup(DEFAULT_BOOTDIR "/" DEFAULT_BOOTCODE);
        else if (*bootpath == '/')
                bp = strdup(bootpath);
        else {
                if (asprintf(&bp, "%s/%s", DEFAULT_BOOTDIR, bootpath) < 0)
                        bp = NULL;

It would be easy enough to change the second part to see if the
path starts with "." which is a common way of stopping the prepending
of a default path.  I'm undecided if it should check for "/" anywhere
in the path.  However, if that's what people think is best, I'm
willing to make either change.  I checked the installboot source
to see what it does, and it just uses the path as given.  I think
adding a default path makes it somewhat more convenient to use.

}-- End of excerpt from

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