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Re: kern/22646 (Panic in ohci_add_done())

On 24-Apr-16 1:30 PM, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:
The following reply was made to PR kern/22646; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Andreas Gustafsson <>
To: Nick Hudson <>
Subject: Re: kern/22646 (Panic in ohci_add_done())
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 15:29:08 +0300

  Nick Hudson wrote:
  > Can you increase USBHIST_SIZE
To how much? 500000?
That should do it. :)
> and set usbdebug to 5 Like this? sysctl -w hw.ohci.debug=10
    sysctl -w hw.usb.debug=5

Also, if you would like me to run some gdb commands against the kernel
  core file (have symbols), or make the core and kernel available for
  download, just let me know.
The bus lock is being held forever as ohci_softintr gets stuck in an 
infinite loop.

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