Subject: Re: port-alpha/36628: cdhdtape image panics with memory management trap on Jensen
To: None <,,>
From: Christoph Franzen <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/29/2007 13:55:01
The following reply was made to PR port-alpha/36628; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Christoph Franzen" <>
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
Subject: Re: port-alpha/36628: cdhdtape image panics with memory management trap on Jensen
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 15:50:02 +0200

 > At least one fdc(4) interrupt is handled, it seems.
 This is always so.
 > Could you try "boot -flags n" on SRM console and
 > see what happens if you specify "we1" for root device?
 Booting interactively works always.
 > You would get "cannot mount root, error = xx" error
 When I choose we1 as the boot device, the error above occurs and 
 interrupts from we1 are handled (as well as exactly one from the 
 After that I can choose again...
 When I choose the defaults (md0a...) I reach the install menu and 
 everything is fine except that it can't find a hard disk to install 
 to, of course.
 When I boot interactively with flag "n", this always succeeds, 
 regardless if I choose "we1" or the default.
 When I choose the default, the install menu is reached.
 When I boot with flag "a", it hangs eternally as previously 
 When I don't try "we1", there are no interrupts from "we1" handled.
 When I try "we1" as a boot device, interrupts from this device are 
 There is always one floppy interrupt handled.
 Regards, Christoph