Subject: misc/35981: Canada timezones need new daylight savings time
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/12/2007 01:35:00
>Number:         35981
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       Canada timezones need new daylight savings time
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    misc-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Mar 12 01:35:00 +0000 2007
>Originator:     Anne Bennett
>Release:        3.1
NetBSD 3.1 NetBSD 3.1 (QUILL_I386) #1: Thu Jan 18 23:29:30 EST 2007 i386

/usr/src/share/zoneinfo/northamerica does not contain the new
timezone changes for Canada, even after cvs update.  Result:
the time is wrong.
Set your timezone to (for example) America/Montreal.
We should now be in daylight savings time, but we are not.
This seems to work, hope I did it correctly.  I'm not 100% sure
that this solution is correct, but it works for my time zone.

diff /usr/src/share/zoneinfo/.old/northamerica.20070211* \
#   823,824c823,827
#   < Rule      Canada  1974    max     -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    0       S
#   < Rule      Canada  1987    max     -       Apr     Sun>=1  2:00    1:00    D
#   ---
#   > Rule      Canada  1974    2006    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    0       S
#   > Rule      Canada  1987    2006    -       Apr     Sun>=1  2:00    1:00    D
#   > # 2007-03-11 Anne Bennett: oops, Canada made the same change as the US:
#   > Rule      Canada  2007    max     -       Mar     Sun>=8  2:00    1:00    D
#   > Rule      Canada  2007    max     -       Nov     Sun>=1  2:00    0       S

# Now recalculate the real timezone info:
cd /usr/src/share/zoneinfo
zic -y "sh /usr/src/share/zoneinfo/" -L /dev/null northamerica