Subject: Re: misc/33130: rcorder(8) poorly documented
To: None <>
From: Denis Lagno <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/22/2006 19:46:15
On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 03:30:02PM +0000, Martin Husemann scribed:
>  May I suggest to add a more practical explanation to the man page instead,
>  i.e. at least mentioning "shutdown" and the way we use it in rc.d for

Those things are already well documented.  KEYWORD per se is documented in description
of -s and -k options in rcorder(8)
And usage of KEYWORDs shutdown and nostart in rc process is documented in rc(8)

>  Your nice description how to build the DAG could go into a comment in
>  the source, or an explanatory file there, but IMHO is not very usefull
>  in a man page.

Well, it is up to you to decide.

Problem is that behaviour of PROVIDES, REQUIRES and BEFORE words 
and relationship between files and conditions are almost not documented.
It is not even obvious from manpage that files and conditions lie in separate namespaces.

-- denis