Subject: Re: kern/30998: CF does not work with netbsd-current(3.99.7) at
To: None <>
From: Masanori Kanaoka <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/16/2005 23:43:26

       From: (Christos Zoulas)
    Subject: Re: kern/30998: CF does not work with netbsd-current(3.99.7) at 20050816
      Date : Tue, 16 Aug 2005 08:33:53 -0400
 Message-ID: <>

$ Can you try reverting my change (yesterday) to pcmcia.c?
$ christos

I tried to revert some changes between 20050801 and 20050816.
I found only next change:

 sys/dev/ic/wdc.c              rev=1.224
 sys/dev/ic/wdcvar.h           rev=1.82
 sys/dev/pci/aceride.c         rev=1.15
 sys/dev/pci/pciide_acer_reg.h rev=1.8

It works fine for me with 20050816.
I don't understand what happened.

Sorry,Only report.
I have a little time to play NetBSD.

Best Regards!
 Masanori Kanaoka        kanaoka AT