Subject: Re: bin/23472
To: None <,,,>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/12/2005 17:53:16
On Jul 12,  9:20pm, ( wrote:
-- Subject: Re: bin/23472

| Synopsis: systrace doesn't seem to work on sparc64-current
| State-Changed-From-To: feedback->closed
| State-Changed-By:
| State-Changed-When: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 21:20:48 +0000
| State-Changed-Why:
| sparc64 now calls trace_enter in syscall gate, which means systrace_enter is entered, too, making it work on sparc64.

Not so fast... Does/can systrace change the arguments passed to the syscall?
If it does/can, then we need to propagate the changes back. This is an easy
change to make, but nevertheless we need to make that change.