Subject: Re: kern/25659
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: John Refling <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/17/2005 22:47:50
   Yes, this worked also!  I could only test on 2.0 though.

------ Original Message ------

> The only statement that mattered was the "delay(1000000);"
> =

> I'm testing this with three old disk drives:
> =

> IBM DADA-24860 4860 MB (1998)  needs delay(200000) or greater
> Toshiba MK-2428 500 MB (1994?) needs delay(450000) or greater
> Apple DVAA-2810 733 MB (1995)  needs delay(380000) or greater

Ha this is interesting !

I suspect hardware here. The PCMCIA socket is powered up just before
calling wdcattach(). The power up function waits for the PCMCIA chip to
assert that it is ready, but the pcmcia chip probably doesn't wait
for the drive to be ready.

If so, it should be enouth to add the delay in the wdc_pcmcia.c code.
=46rom your tests, half a second should be enouth. Can you test the attac=
patches (one for 2.0, one for current) ?
