Subject: kern/29804: pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xfoobar va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/27/2005 21:06:00
>Number:         29804
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xfoobar va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Mar 27 21:06:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     Chris Tribo
>Release:        3.99.1
NetBSD mybox 3.99.1 NetBSD 3.99.1 (GENERIC.MPACPI.DEBUG) #1: Wed Mar 23 10:50:17 EST 2005
root@mybox:/usr/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MPACPI.DEBUG i386
pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xce3a944c va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xce3a944c va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xce3a9f3c va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xce3a9c1c va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!
pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xce3a9f3c va 0xbd9f1000 didn't change!

messages appear on the console sometimes several times a day. Nothing specificly seems to trigger them, but I generally see one or two during a release or other heavy periods of memory pressure.

0xbd9f1000 doesn't seem to be in the pmap of any running processes with pmap -a.