Subject: Re: bin/29720
To: None <,>
From: Igor Sobrado <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/25/2005 12:47:02
The following reply was made to PR bin/29720; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Igor Sobrado <>
Subject: Re: bin/29720
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:46:20 +0100

 I did not answer to issue number 2 in the previous email.  IMHO, printing
 the "NetBSD/$arch ($hostname) ($tty)" banner _after_ logging to the system
 is a requirement to make the computer system more secure.
 Sadly, we cannot trust on people with access to Internet.  Information
 provided in that banner can be helpful to both system managers and
 users (it is a way to track how updated is a system and where we are
 connected -what tty we are using for a given connection-), but it is
 a powerful tool for crackers too; consequently, this information should
 not be provided before authenticating users.  :-(