Subject: kern/29642: 2.0 release and STABLE from netbsd-2 branch locks up
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/09/2005 18:24:00
>Number:         29642
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       2.0 release and STABLE from netbsd-2 branch locks up
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Mar 09 18:24:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     Gergely EGERVARY
>Release:        2.0
ExpertLAN Computer Corp.
NetBSD 2.0_STABLE NetBSD 2.0_STABLE (AQUA) #2: Wed Feb 16 13:48:13 CET 2005 i386

The box: ASUS TUSL2-C motherboard, Intel 1100MHz Celeron/Tualatin CPU, Kingston 512MB PC133 SDRAM, Seagate ATA-100 harddisk

Under heavy CPU load, the machine locks up completely. No panics, no traps, no debugger, just halts silently, and I have to press the [RESET] button...

I can't even compile a kernel - it's 100% reproduceable. However, I can't reproduce this on any other boxes, I have several NetBSD-2 machines in production - even with the same TUSL2-C motherboard! 

Tried with and without ACPI, with and w/o APIC, BIOS updates, etc.

This box is rock solid with 1.6.2. Any idea?

