Subject: Re: kern/27067: cpu stuck in atabus3 thread, kernel won't finish booting. 2.0F works, 2.0H and 2.0Beta do not.
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/30/2004 21:25:09
On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 03:00:51PM -0400, Chris Tribo wrote:
> Could you provide me with a little insight as to how to do that? I read 
> the ddb man page but it didn't shed a whole lot of light on the right 
> thing to do. Trying to do break pdcintr results in symbol not found. I 
> used userconf to disable pdcide and the kernel booted to asking for the 
> root device, so it would seem the issue is somewhere close to the 
> pdcide interrupt code. Do I need to have a kernel built that isn't 
> stripped from the 2.0 Beta/RC1 sources in order to set a break on 
> pdcintr?

Sorry, it's not pdcintr, it's pdc202xx_pci_intr or pdc20265_pci_intr 
(depending on your controller model)
Yes, set a breakpoint on it, and see if it's looping on this.

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference