Subject: bad file name in xsrc/xfree.tar.gz tarball
To: None <>
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/27/2002 02:20:09
I'm not sure which list is the bext to use for this, nor which
category it would fit under to file a PR (I also suspect that
fixing this might be easier than closing a PR...)
In the tarballs, in xsrc/xfree.tar.gz, the file
exists. I am reasonably sure that it should be xsrc/xfree/...
(somehow the xsrc directory prefix is missing from that one file, and
only that one).
Apologies if this has been corrected in the past month or so, the
tar balls I downloaded that contained this problem date from somewhere
around Feb 13 (I guess the weekend preceding that). However, I believe
it was also the case (at least) as far back as early last December, so
if it wasn't noticed for 3 months, maybe it hasn't been in the past month.
I didn't much feel inclined to download the 50MB tarball to verify it
was still this way - someone with direct access to the tar file can easily
confirm it by doing
tar tzf xfree.tar.gz | grep '^xfree'
There should be no output, I suspect there might still be the one line.
I have no idea how the src tarballs get created, so I haven't gone looking
to see where the bug might be.