Subject: port-i386/7727: ATAPI ZIP-100 doesn't work with NetBSD 1.4: piomode error
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/07/1999 01:50:51
>Number:         7727
>Category:       port-i386
>Synopsis:       ATAPI ZIP-100 doesn't work with NetBSD 1.4: piomode error
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    port-i386-maintainer (NetBSD/i386 Portmaster)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun  7 01:50:01 1999
>Originator:     Dmitry Pryanishnikov
Dnipropetrovsk State University
>Release:        NetBSD-1.4/i386
NetBSD RSX386 1.4 NetBSD 1.4 (GENERIC) #0: Fri May 7 12:27:31 PDT 1999 i386
sd driver can't set pio mode for ATAPI ZIP-100 connected to PCI IDE
on PIIX3 (i430HX chipset), error messages:
pciide0:1:0: piomode error (0x4), sd0(pciide0:1:0): ATA command aborted
This can't be fixed by forcing PIO mode 0 in config file - output is
the same. Note that this ZIP-100 worked with NetBSD-1.3.3 (with ATAPI
support patch installed) in the same configuration.
Problem can be repeated by booting NetBSD-1.4 (even GENERIC kernel) on
machine with PIIX3 PCI IDE chip, HDD - master on primary channel
(ST3491A on my machine, supports PIO up to 3 and DMA up to 1),
ATAPI ZIP-100 - master on secondary channel (supports PIO mode 3).
Force PIO0 for ZIP by writing in config file:
sd* at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0ff8
AND edit file /usr/src/sys/dev/scsipi/atapi_wdc.c: insert
'goto ready;' before 713 line (wdccommand...)