Subject: port-alpha/7333: halt to prom of Alpha 8200 causes prom exception
To: None <,>
From: Matthew Jacob <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/07/1999 12:16:06
>Number:         7333
>Category:       port-alpha
>Synopsis:       halt to prom of Alpha 8200 causes prom exception
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    port-alpha-maintainer (NetBSD/alpha Portmaster)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Apr  7 12:20:01 1999
	NASA Ames Research Center
>Release:        Circa March 17, 1999

NetBSD 1.3K (GENERIC) #7: Wed Mar 17 10:27:07 PST 1999

	Panic to DDB. Type 'machine halt'. Prom blows up with:

db> machine halt

CPU 8 halted
  halt code = 5
  HALT instruction executed
  PC = fffffc0000300140
unexpected exception/interrupt through vector 420
Illegal Instruction Trap
process timer, pcb = 0010B920

 pc: 00000000 0005AC04  ps: 00000000 00001404
 r2: 00000000 000662FC  r5: 00000000 00020508
 r3: 00000000 00105338  r6: 00000000 00130D00
 r4: 00000000 00000100  r7: 00000000 00130D00

exception context saved starting at 0010C7C0

  0: 00000000 0000001F  16: 00000000 00000000
  1: 00000000 00000001  17: 00000000 00020508
  2: 00000000 0005AC00  18: 00000000 00020508
  3: 00000000 0002B710  19: 00000000 00000007
  4: 00000000 00000100  20: 00000000 00020508
  5: 00000000 00020508  21: 00000000 000204D0
  6: 00000000 00130D00  22: 00000000 000535B0
  7: 00000000 00130D00  23: 00000000 0012BC28
  8: 00000000 00000004  24: 00000000 006C9D42
  9: 00000000 00000001  25: 00000000 00000001
 10: 00000000 000206B0  26: 00000000 0002B924
 11: 00000000 00000001  27: 00000000 00066820
 12: 00000000 000202D8  28: 00000000 00022AE4
 13: 00000000 00000000  29: 00000000 0010C940
 14: 00000000 00000000  30: 00000000 0010C900
 15: 00000000 00000000

Overlay name                       memadr   topadr    size   ref
turbo                               20000    7ae00  372224  0
ashshell                            ad4e0    ae2e0    3584  1
basiccmd                            ae300    b8d00   43520  1
eeprom                              93e80    a4280   66560  1
environ                             a42a0    a90a0   19968  1
flash                               91260    93e60   11264  1
phase3                              a90c0    ad4c0   17408  1
boot                                7ae20    8a820   64000  1
pci                                 c7560    d2960   46080  3
ether                               c2b40    c5140    9728  2
scsi                                d2980    d7580   19456  7
isp1020                             d75a0    e33a0   48640  1
dump of active call frames:

PC  =  0005AC00
PD  =  00056DF8 (SCHEDULE)
FP  =  0010C940
SP  =  0010C900

R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R29 saved starting at 0010C950

R2  =  00056ED0
R3  =  00020648
R4  =  000535B0
R5  =  000F4240
R6  =  000EE6B2
R7  =  00053470
R8  =  00065428
R9  =  00020410
R10 =  000206B0
R29 =  0010C9B0

PC  =  00039D68
PD  =  00056ED0 (KRN$_WAIT)
FP  =  0010C9B0
SP  =  0010C970

R2 R3 R4 R29 saved starting at 0010C9C0

R2  =  00058148
R3  =  80000000
R4  =  00000001
R29 =  0010CA50

PC  =  0003B7D8
PD  =  00058148 (KRN$_TIMER)
FP  =  0010CA50
SP  =  0010C9B0

R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R29 saved starting at 0010CA58

R2  =  00058968
R3  =  0010B920
R4  =  0010BAF0
R5  =  00000000
R6  =  00000000
R7  =  00000000
R8  =  00000000
R9  =  00000000
R10 =  00000000
R11 =  00000000
R12 =  00000000
R13 =  00000000
R29 =  0010CAD0

PC  =  000361D4
PD  =  00058968 (KRN$_PROCESS)
FP  =  0010CAD0
SP  =  0010CA30

R2 R3 R4 R29 saved starting at 0010CAD8

R2  =  00000000
R3  =  00000000
R4  =  00000000
R29 =  00000000

unexpected exception/interrupt through vector 400
Breakpoint Trap

Nested exception - console restarting