Subject: bin/5850: Some games have unclear distribution terms
To: None <>
From: Joseph Myers <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/26/1998 11:19:22
>Number:         5850
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       Some games have unclear distribution terms
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jul 26 04:20:00 1998
>Originator:     Joseph Samuel Myers
Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK
>Release:        NetBSD-current of 1998-07-11
System: Linux octomino 2.0.35 #1 Tue Jul 14 19:09:50 UTC 1998 i586 unknown
Architecture: i586

Some of the NetBSD games are unclear about the licence terms under
which they can be distributed; these need to be clarified.

The source files of boggle contain the standard BSD copyright and
licence.  However, the README and helpfile contain different
distribution conditions prohibiting selling the software.  If the
software is indeed under the standard BSD licence and this supersedes
the conditions in the README and helpfile then the old conditions
should be removed from the README and helpfile, or marked as no longer
applying or providing an alternative the the BSD licence, as
appropriate; if they are still applicable to all distribution then a
note to that effect should be added to the source files.

The source files of rogue contain the standard BSD copyright and
licence, but also contain notices of different distribution

 * main.c
 * This source herein may be modified and/or distributed by anybody who
 * so desires, with the following restrictions:
 *    1.)  No portion of this notice shall be removed.
 *    2.)  Credit shall not be taken for the creation of this source.
 *    3.)  This code is not to be traded, sold, or used for personal
 *         gain or profit.

Again, it should be made clear whether both restrictions apply, this
notice is an alternative, or it is superseded by the BSD licence.  If
this last case holds and it is distributable under the BSD licence
then these other notices should be removed or marked no longer

Hack and larn have only copyright notices, but no statement of the
conditions under which they can be distributed.  They need a statement
of the licence under which NetBSD distributes them (and preferably
that under which they can be redistributed).



Include clear licence statements (if necessary clarifying with the
original authors).