Subject: port-i386/4562: mistakes in i386 hardware documentation
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/22/1997 19:15:53
>Number:         4562
>Category:       port-i386
>Synopsis:       mistakes in i386 hardware documentation
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Nov 22 11:05:00 1997
>Originator:     Matthias Scheler
Mario Kemper Maintenance Project
>Release:        971121
System: NetBSD lyssa 1.3_ALPHA NetBSD 1.3_ALPHA (LYSSA) #1: Sat Nov 22 14:01:52 MET 1997 tron@lyssa:/src/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/LYSSA i386

The i386 hardware documentation lists the Intel EtherExpress 100 as SCSI
hostadpter and forgets the 3COM 3c90X.

less /usr/src/distrib/notes/i386/hardware

*** src/distrib/notes/i386/hardware.orig	Thu Nov 20 22:33:43 1997
--- src/distrib/notes/i386/hardware	Sat Nov 22 19:10:24 1997
*************** Supported devices include:
*** 30,36 ****
  		Buslogic 54x (Adaptec AHA-154x clones)
  		BusLogic 445, 74x, 9xx  (But not the new "FlashPoint" series
  			of BusLogic SCSI adapters)
- 		Intel EtherExpress 100 Fast Ethernet adapters
  		Qlogic ISP [12]0x0 SCSI/FibreChannel boards
  		Seagate/Future Domain ISA SCSI adapter cards, including
--- 30,35 ----
*************** SMC/WD 8003, 8013, Elite16, and Elite16 
*** 254,260 ****
  3COM 3c509 or 3COM 3c579 Ethernet boards
  		ep0 	any  	any
! 3COM 3x59X PCI Ethernet boards
  		ep0 	any  	any	[you must assign an interrupt in your
  		    	    	   	 PCI BIOS, or let it do so for you]
--- 253,259 ----
  3COM 3c509 or 3COM 3c579 Ethernet boards
  		ep0 	any  	any
! 3COM 3x59X or 3COM 3x90X PCI Ethernet boards
  		ep0 	any  	any	[you must assign an interrupt in your
  		    	    	   	 PCI BIOS, or let it do so for you]
*************** AT&T StarLAN 10, EN100, or StarLAN Fiber
*** 262,267 ****
--- 261,270 ----
  EtherExpress 16 Ethernet boards
  		ie0 	0x360	7		iomem 0xd0000
  		ie1 	0x300	10		iomem 0xd0000
+ Intel EtherExpress 100 Fast Ethernet adapters
+ 		fxp0	any	any	[you must assign an interrupt in your
+ 		    	    	   	 PCI BIOS, or let it do so for you]
  Intel EtherExpress PRO 10 ISA
  		iy0	any	any