Subject: port-i386/3731: Netbsd unable to read nfs files larger that 2 gig in size
To: None <>
From: George E. Navas <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/09/1997 16:29:18
>Number:         3731
>Category:       port-i386
>Synopsis:       Netbsd unable to read nfs files larger that 2 gig in size
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun  9 16:35:00 1997
>Originator:     George E. Navas

George E. Navas
Voice: (408)260-5000  		Fax:(408)260-5003
>Release:        NetBSD 1.2C
System: NetBSD shell2 1.2C NetBSD 1.2C (SHELL2) #3: Thu Mar 27 13:28:46 PST 1997 navas@shell2:/usr/src.12cmar8/sys/arch/i386/compile/SHELL2 i386

	the dump program is able to create files larger than 2 gig 
	for example 3 gig, but if you try to read it over the nfs 
	mounted file system it fails. 
	backup a large file system that creates a disk file larger than
	2 gig and then try to read it or tail it when is nfs mounted
	from another system.