Subject: bin/2869: make df more liberal in command line parsing
To: None <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 10/20/1996 06:29:20
>Number:         2869
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       Make df be more liberal in command line parsing
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Oct 19 21:35:00 1996
>Originator:     Hubert Feyrer
>Release:        1.2
System: NetBSD fuchur 1.2 NetBSD 1.2 (FUCHUR) #2: Tue Oct 15 02:45:55 MET DST 1996 feyrer@fuchur:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/FUCHUR sparc

	When using -l or -t option to df, one can't give any options 
	on the command line, neither valid (i.e. local on -l) or invalid.


fuchur# df 
Filesystem         512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a              305258   284316     5678    98%    /
mfs:15                   9822      390     8940     4%    /tmp
procfs                      8        8        0   100%    /proc
amd:57                      0        0        0   100%    /net

smaug:/disk1/ftp      5458282  3726116  1459250    72%    /tmp_mnt/smaug/disk1/ftp
smaug:/disk1/homes    5458282  3726116  1459250    72%    /tmp_mnt/smaug/disk1/homes

fuchur# cd /disk1/ftp
fuchur# pwd
fuchur# df -kl .
df: -l or -t does not make sense with list of mount points

fuchur# df -t nfs / 
df: -l or -t does not make sense with list of mount points

The two errors above are valid, but the following would be ok:

fuchur# pwd
fuchur# df -t nfs .
df: -l or -t does not make sense with list of mount points

fuchur# cd /tmp
fuchur# df -l .
df: -l or -t does not make sense with list of mount points


The patch below df actually parse each argument and only issue some
warning where it's justified, i.e. when you give it the -l-flag AND
a non-local filesystem, or you give it some typelist (-t) and a
file system of a different type.

The whole thing is to make df simply more liberal in what it accepts.

Examples (/tmp/df is the df from 1.2 with the patch below):

fuchur# cd /disk1/ftp
fuchur# pwd
fuchur# /tmp/df -kl .
df: Warning: . is not a local file system
fuchur# /tmp/df -t nfs /
df: Warning: / mounte as a ffs file system
fuchur# pwd
fuchur# /tmp/df -t nfs .
Filesystem       512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
smaug:/disk1/ftp    5458282  3726116  1459250    72%    /tmp_mnt/smaug/disk1/ftp
fuchur# cd /tmp
fuchur# /tmp/df -l .
Filesystem  512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
mfs:15            9822      392     8938     4%    /tmp

Here's the corresponding patch es for df.c and df.1:

*** df.c-1.2	Sun Oct 20 03:27:25 1996
--- df.c	Sun Oct 20 05:56:31 1996
*** 114,122 ****
  	argc -= optind;
  	argv += optind;
- 	if (*argv && (lflag || typelist != NULL))
- 		errx(1, "-l or -t does not make sense with list of mount points");
  	mntsize = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, MNT_NOWAIT);
  	if (mntsize == 0)
  	        err(1, "retrieving information on mounted file systems");
--- 114,119 ----
*** 166,171 ****
--- 163,174 ----
  			 * implement nflag here.
  			if (!statfs(mntpt, &mntbuf[mntsize]))
+ 			        if (lflag && (mntbuf[mntsize].f_flags & MNT_LOCAL) == 0)
+ 			                warnx("Warning: %s is not a local file system", *argv);
+ 			        else if (!selected(mntbuf[mntsize].f_fstypename))
+ 			                warnx("Warning: %s mounte as a %s file system", *argv,
+ 				              mntbuf[mntsize].f_fstypename);
+ 			        else
  				warn("%s", *argv);
*** df.1-1.2	Sun Oct 20 06:00:33 1996
--- df.1	Sun Oct 20 06:08:56 1996
*** 73,79 ****
  option causes the numbers to be reported in kilobyte counts.
  .It Fl l
  Display statistics only about mounted file systems with the MNT_LOCAL
! flag set.
  .It Fl n
  Print out the previously obtained statistics from the file systems.
  This option should be used if it is possible that one or more
--- 73,80 ----
  option causes the numbers to be reported in kilobyte counts.
  .It Fl l
  Display statistics only about mounted file systems with the MNT_LOCAL
! flag set. If a non-local file system is given as an argument, a
! warning is issued and no information is given on that file system. 
  .It Fl n
  Print out the previously obtained statistics from the file systems.
  This option should be used if it is possible that one or more
*** 91,97 ****
  .Dq no
  to specify the filesystem types for which action should
  .Em not
! be taken.
  .Bl -tag -width BLOCKSIZE
--- 92,100 ----
  .Dq no
  to specify the filesystem types for which action should
  .Em not
! be taken. If a file system is given on the command line that is not of
! the specified type, a warning is issued and no information is given on
! that file system.
  .Bl -tag -width BLOCKSIZE