Subject: bin/2714: ftp(1) reports exponential format numbers
To: None <gnats-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/26/1996 17:30:40
>Number: 2714
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: ftp(1) reports exponential format numbers
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Aug 26 17:50:01 1996
>Originator: Todd Vierling
NetBSD Addicts Anonymous
>Release: 1.2_BETA
ftp(1) displays elapsed time as a float, and when greater than 3 digits,
as an exponential number. Slow PPP (14.4k/28.8k etc.) connections often
show such amounts.
FTP something for >1000 seconds. Exponential format number.
2982240 bytes received in 2.16e+03 seconds (1380 bytes/s)
(should read 2160 seconds)
I recommend casting the float to a quad_t just before printing to preserve
the floating point qualities needed for an accurate bytes/s count, but so
that the seconds is shown as a 64 bit integer upon printout. The
following diff accomplishes this. (Ponder away...)
*** ftp.c.orig Mon Aug 26 17:28:23 1996
--- ftp.c Mon Aug 26 17:28:51 1996
*** 1166,1173 ****
s = td.tv_sec + (td.tv_usec / 1000000.);
#define nz(x) ((x) == 0 ? 1 : (x))
bs = bytes / nz(s);
! printf("%ld bytes %s in %.3g seconds (%ld bytes/s)\n",
! bytes, direction, s, bs);
--- 1166,1173 ----
s = td.tv_sec + (td.tv_usec / 1000000.);
#define nz(x) ((x) == 0 ? 1 : (x))
bs = bytes / nz(s);
! printf("%ld bytes %s in %qd seconds (%ld bytes/s)\n",
! bytes, direction, (quad_t)s, bs);