Subject: Re: bin/909: chown(1) and chflags(1) should be statically linked.
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: matthew green <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/27/1995 19:03:51
   > >Description:
   > 	chown(1) and chflags(1) can be very useful in single usermode with
   > 	out /usr.  they should belong in /sbin/chown and /bin/chflags.
   they're certainly not necessary (even in a wacked out case, as, say,
   chmod would be) to get /usr mounted, and don't help to do so.  I see
   no reason to increase the size of / and further...

i disagree.  i had this happen to me recently:

disk crashed.  /usr/lib became a block special file with schg set.
/usr/bin/chflags requires /usr/lib/

i had to compile a static chflags on another netbsd/sparc and copy
it across before i could fix my system.
[  .. list deleted .. ]
   are all very useful, and would be very useful to have in single-user
   mode without /usr.  In fact, i've wished to have most of them on /,
   at some time or another.

i agree with this, and i feel the same way about some of them, esp.
things like gzip and tar (which is why i keep a copy of these static,
in /bin).
   For some of them (the ones that are marked 'very useful'), i think i'd
   rather have them on / than chown or chflags, mostly because they allow
   for reasonable system setup/debugging without mounting /usr (hey, if
   you get /usr off of an NFS server, what if you can't figure out why
   you can't mount it!).

actually, i don't really care that much about chown (now that i think
about it some more), it's chflags that i think is the point here.
   The point is, / is for things that you _need_ to have in single-user
   mode, before you mount /usr.  (Actually, some of the things in / don't
   really belong there, but that's traditionally where they've been, and
   tradition has some meaning.)

i don't like the idea of making / much bigger myself, but chflags is
too useful in single user mode (which is also when it's *supposed* to
be mostly used anyway) to leave out, imo (it only adds 80K on my sparc
anyway).  chflags *is* a special case.

   Why can't you must mount /usr (even mount -o ro /usr) to usr chflags
   and chown?

mrg: syntax error near line 1
mrg: bailing out near line 1
