Subject: misc/101: 'make clean' doesn't remove formatted (*.0) man pages
To: None <gnats-admin>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/25/1994 12:05:12
>Number:         101
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       'make clean' doesn't remove formatted (*.0) man pages
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (Misc Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jan 25 12:05:11 1994
>Originator:     Jim McKim
NASA Lewis Research Center
System:		NetBSD mildred 0.9a MILDRED#5 i386
Machine: i386

In the /usr/src hierarchy, formatted man pages don't get removed by
'make clean'. If it becomes necessary to regenerate all the formatted
man pages, getting rid of the old ones is cumbersome.


cd /usr/src/sbin/ping
make ping.0
make clean
[the formatted man page ping.0 is still there]


As far as I can tell, only prog and lib type targets have these sort
of formatted pages (as part of the default make target). The make
variable MANALL is constructed from target man page names elsewhere
and works in tests with these patches applied.

***	Tue Jan 25 11:03:38 1994
---	Tue Jan 25 11:10:18 1994
*** 117,123 ****
  .if !target(clean)
! 	rm -f a.out Errs errs mklog core ${CLEANFILES}
  	rm -f ${OBJS}
  	rm -f ${POBJS} profiled/*.o
  	rm -f ${SOBJS} shared/*.o
--- 117,123 ----
  .if !target(clean)
! 	rm -f a.out Errs errs mklog core ${CLEANFILES} ${MANALL}
  	rm -f ${OBJS}
  	rm -f ${POBJS} profiled/*.o
  	rm -f ${SOBJS} shared/*.o
***	Tue Jan 25 11:00:46 1994
---	Tue Jan 25 11:01:36 1994
*** 88,94 ****
  .if !target(clean)
! 	rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core ${PROG} ${OBJS} ${CLEANFILES}
  cleandir: clean
--- 88,94 ----
  .if !target(clean)
! 	rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core ${PROG} ${MANALL} ${OBJS} ${CLEANFILES}
  cleandir: clean

