Subject: Re: Small changes to Makefiles...
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/17/1993 21:30:12
> "Again, the same thing from me:"


> sun-lamp, and every distribution thus far, has been built with
> 'make obj' done...  It works for me, rather consistently...
> I'd actually be amused to find out what's wrong...  8-)

Ok - you win - since you're doing all the work (collectively - the
core team :-)

I will run make obj; make tonight and let you know... I would be very
happy when it works, its just last time I tried (after you last e-mail,
when I sen the list a sh*tty mail - sorry it was late) similar problems
occured but in reverse. sigh. computers - I hate them.

sighning off with a :-)
Peter Galbavy				e-mail:
Wonderland				  work:

	  "And you will know exactly who you are, forever,
		by knowing what it is that you love."
