Subject: pkgsrcCon 2007 - Call For Presentations
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 02/02/2007 23:11:52
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The fourth annual pkgsrcCon will convene in Barcelona, Spain on
Apr 27 - 29, 2007. pkgsrcCon is a technical conference focusing
on the technology and the use of the NetBSD Packages Collection.
This is a general call for presentations for pkgsrcCon 2007.
To be successful, we need developers and users to give talks at
the conference. Talks should be about pkgsrc-related topics,
e.g. what neat new pkgsrc project you're working on, how to use
pkgsrc effectively as an admin, how to be an effective pkgsrc
developer, etc. There is no requirement to submit a paper --
just go ahead and present, though if you have materials that
you'd like to distribute to the audience, we will be happy to
produce copies for the attendees.
Please include the following information if you would like to
give a talk:
(*) Title
(*) Length of talk (half-hour or 1-hour)
(*) Abstract (a few sentences describing the presentation)
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (NetBSD)