Subject: Call for Papers: 2002 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
To: None <>
From: Tiffany Peoples <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 08/01/2001 17:06:34
2002 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
June 9-14, 2002
Monterey, CA

The 2002 USENIX Technical Conference seeks original and innovative 
papers about the applications, architecture, implementation, and 
performance of modern computing systems. As at all USENIX 
conferences, papers that analyze problem areas and draw important 
conclusions from practical experience are especially welcome. Some 
particularly interesting application topics are:

*Cluster computing 	*File systems and storage systems
*Complexity management  *Distributed caching and replication
*Mobile code		*Mobile/Wireless computing
*Multimedia 		*Networking and network services
*Reliability and QoS 	*Security and privacy
*Ubiquitous computing	*usage studies
*Web technologies	*Energy/Power Management
*Interoperability of heterogeneous systems

FREENIX is a special track within the USENIX Annual Technical 
Conference that showcases the latest developments and applications in 
freely redistributed technology. The FREENIX track covers the full 
range of software and source code including but not limited to 
Apache, Darwin, FreeBSD, GNOME, GNU, KDE, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, 
Perl, PHP, Python, Samba, Tcl/Tk and more.

FREENIX is looking for papers about projects with a solid emphasis on 
nurturing the open source/freely available software community and 
talks which advance the state of the art of freely redistributable 
software. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

*Cross-platform source portability and binary compatibility
*Desktop metaphors	*Distributed and parallel systems
*Documentation		*File system design
*Highly-available systems  *Graphical user interface tools
*Storage Systems		*Highly-scalable and clustered systems
*Security			*System and user management tools
*Quality Assurance 	*Large scale system management
*Print Systems 		*Free Software development/mgmt
*Operating system design *Interesting deployments of free software

Submission guidelines and conference details are available on our website:

Submissions to the Freenix Track are due on November 12, 2001. 
Submissions to the General Refereed Sessions Track are due on 
November 19, 2001. Join us in developing the best technical 
conference program of 2002!

The 2002 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is sponsored by
USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association.