Subject: Resignation
To: None <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 04/19/1999 07:14:40
Effective immediately, I resign from my positions as NetBSD 'core'
member and 'board' member.

When I first accepted these positions, I made a personal commitment
to try my best to improve the way NetBSD is run and that I would
stick with it for 1 year at which time I would re-evaluate and decide
whether to extend my commitment.  April 18th marks the one year
anniversary of when I accepted this responsibility.

For various reasons, I have decided not to continue in the active
management of NetBSD.  At present, the position is difficult and not
at all what I had expected when I first started.  I want to thank
everyone who supported me and my ideas during the past year.  I
also want to thumb my nose at those who tried their darndest to
make my life miserable, you know who you are.

I plan to continue to contribute by doing some of the marketing 
that Charles and I have been doing as well as coordinating trade
show presence and some of the other PR things as well.  Since this
past year has seen NetBSD take a huge toll in my personal life, I
also intend to spend more time with my wife, Shari.

I would also like to urge 'core' and 'board' to continue with its plans
to change the way the project is managed.
