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Call for FOSDEM'09 participation

Dear people,

FOSDEM is probably the most developer-oriented Free and Opensource conference, taking place in Brussels, Belgium on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February 2009. Apart from having many invited speakers, the conference offers developer rooms, stands and lightning talks to projects from the Free and Opensource community. We hereby welcome proposals from projects to participate in organizing a devroom, manning a stand or holding a lightning talk.


We offer large projects a devroom during the conference. A devroom is a room in which projects can organize their own schedule made of presentations, brainstorming and hacking sessions. Our goal is to stimulate developer collaboration and cross-pollination between projects, and as such we strongly favor projects with similar goals and domains to host a devroom together.


We offer stands to projects that want to present themselves to the visitors in a more personal fashion. Stands can be used to share information, demo software, sell merchandizing or give away goodies.

Lightning talks

We offer lightning talks to all other projects that want to present themselves. A lightning talk is a short talk in which a project can introduce itself, talk about recent developments, or share exciting new directions.

Key dates:
2008-11-22: Deadline for devroom & stand requests
2008-11-24: Devroom & stand acceptance notification
2008-12-26: Deadline for lightning talk requests
2009-12-29: Lightning talk acceptance notification
2009-01-09: Deadline for final devroom & lightning talk schedules
2009-02-07 to 2009-02-08: FOSDEM 2009

For more information, visit

There will be a NetBSD booth as well as a joint *BSD-PostgreSQl devroom.
We are looking for people helping at the booth and
doing talks.

If you are interested please let me know asap.

Kind regards, Daniel

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