Subject: Re: Powered by NetBSD logos
To: Jacek Kutzmann <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/05/2005 23:00:24
I've copied your files form 
into NetBSD's htdocs/images/logos/jacek-* (in addition to the ones that 
were already there), and they should appear on this page within an hour:

BTW: we've just updated the official logo to contain a (R) to indicate 
that the image itself is a registered trademark (we're forced to add it to 
show we're willing to defend our trademark; it's not that we think that 
makes the logo more beautiful ;). Dunno if it's worth updating your logos.

If you do, please drop me mail, and by all means keep the filenames. ;)

  - Hubert