Subject: OpenOffice version of flyer.tex
To: None <>
From: Jason White <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/21/2005 02:55:46
  A couple weeks ago I started throwing together a NetBSD pamphlet using 
OpenOffice write using flyer.tex as a framework.  Sadly, I havn't been able 
to finish my pamphlet, but as an exercise I'd converted flyer.tex to an 
OpenOffice writer document with the following minor modifications:

  * Default page size of Letter instead of A4.
  * 9pt font for main text instead of 10pt due to Letter pagesize.
  * Some capitalization and punctuation corrections.
  * Disabled automatic word hyphenation.
  * Used jusfity mode to fill out the columns.
  * Diamond-shaped bullet points - the "small" bullets were too small and the 
    "large" bullets were too large.
  * Did not indent the bulleted points -- though it made things look to 
    scrunched together.

None of the wording/facts/figures were modified.  A consequence of using 9pt 
base font size and not indenting the bullet points is that there's quite a 
good half column of unused space still available for more information.

You can grab it from:

Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone who was interested in 
developing pamphlets in OpenOffice writer.


Jason White (
Jabber:jdwhite(    {jdwhite,jdw}
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