Subject: Re: Southern California Linux Expo + good handouts?
To: Kevin Lahey <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/03/2005 11:00:43
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Kevin Lahey <> wrote:
> So, NetBSD has a booth at the Southern California Linux Expo next week,
> February 12 & 13.=20

Great - thanks a lot.  Our www team will put this on our events

> But on to the real question -- is there a standard one-page NetBSD
> handout that I can use?  I'd like to have something simple, in black and
> white (I can't really afford color copying) that I can hand out to folks
> who have questions.
> Similarly, I can remember several interesting posters that folks have
> made over the years for NetBSD -- where can I find these?  Are there any
> other booth resources available?


The flyer should be updated to 2.0, as it's a bit old.

I also have a number of old NetBSD T-Shirts and a handful of these old
flyers that I'd be happy to ship to you to sell and hand out.

Send me your postal address in a private mail and I'll try to get the
shirts out this week.


Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

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