Subject: Re: Benchmark: NetBSD beats FreeBSD in server performance
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Bruno <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/06/2005 12:04:18
Hubert Feyrer wrote:

> Gregory McGarry asked me to host and advertize this paper for him:
> Abstract: ``With the recent releases of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3 
> operating system, many new and exciting features have been 
> implemented. Both criticism and commendation on performance, 
> reliability and scalability have been directed towards these releases.
> This paper presents a suite of benchmarks and results for comparing 
> the performance of these operating systems. The benchmarks target core 
> operating system functionality, server scalability and thread 
> implementation. These benchmarks are useful server-based criteria for 
> demanding applications such as loaded webservers, databases, and 
> voice-over-IP (VoIP) media relays. The results indicate that NetBSD 
> has surpassed FreeBSD in performance on nearly every benchmark and is 
> poised to grab the title of the best operating system for the server 
> environment.''
> URL:
>  - Hubert
This is great, because it can convince lots of Linux and FreeBSD geeks 
to try NetBSD. There are more geeks will to try new server platforms 
than new embedded platforms, so it can bring more attention into NetBSD.
Maybe they'll react like this:

It's also good to show issues in NetBSD that need improvement. I haven't 
read the article yet but a good benchmark allways helps in this area.

What's not entirely good about this benchmark is that it compares only 
with FreeBSD, and that looks to outsiders as "BSD cannibalizing" :

But then again comparing also with Linux could probably make FreeBSD 
look worse instead of making NetBSD look better.
