Subject: RMLL 2004 : CD sheet review required
To: None <>
From: Gilbert Fernandes <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/10/2004 14:56:46

I'll be present at the next RMLL 2004 (Libre Software Meeting) that
will be at Bordeaux from 6 to 10 July 2004 (we will have the NetBSD
stand until the 9th though).

We have prepared a 1.6.2 release CD-Rom with various archives (still
downloading to prepare it) and I have also designed a sheet of paper
to distribute with the CD-Rom.

I have first designed it to be printed on a single page. I wonder if
we can improve it so it would cover two sheets of paper and give more

So I need you nice people to review it and complete it/give advices so
we can distribute those sheets with each 1.6.2 NetBSD we'll sale
there. Each CD will be burned and checked, and given on a plastic case
with a NetBSD logo + release + covered architectures + the information

I don't know yet if all platforms will have enough place to get on the
CD since I'm downloading various parts of it ; thanks.

I have used Bitstream Vera Sans Serif font for the whole document.
Those are freely available from Bitstream and have been integrated
onto Gnome ; you can download those from :

the open office version of the information sheet is located at :

and the pdf :

should we keep it to only one sheet ? if two, what kind of information
can we add to it ? :)

Gilbert Fernandes