Subject: [ CVS commit: htdocs]
To: None <,>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 08/01/2003 18:14:03
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Hi all,

I'm happy to announce that a new translation has made it onto our main
page.  Many thanks to Ants Aader for his work on the Estonian
translation.  If you would like to see your native language be linked to
from the main page, I'd suggest you get busy translating. :-)

The section that should be focused on, as they are the most important to
promote NetBSD, are
	- the Misc/ section
	- the Goals/ section
	- the Documentation/ section

Besides English, we now have the following translations:

> 	htdocs/de: index.html
> 	htdocs/es: index.html
> 	htdocs/et: index.html
> 	htdocs/fr: index.html
> 	htdocs/ja: index.html
> 	htdocs/ko: index.html
> 	htdocs/lt: index.html
> 	htdocs/nl: index.html
> 	htdocs/pl: index.html
> 	htdocs/pt: index.html
> 	htdocs/ru: index.html
> 	htdocs/se: index.html
> 	htdocs/zh_CN: index.html
> 	htdocs/zh_TW: index.html

Thanks to all translators!


"When it's fall in New York, the air smells as if someone's been frying
goats in it, and if you are keen to breathe the best plan is to open a
window and stick your head in a building."

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