Subject: Re: Permission to use the NetBSD logo
To: Jim Wise <>
From: sudog <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/14/2002 10:04:12
> Which is the relevant point here.  While I have little sympathy for
> anyone who is disappointed that Tojo and his thugs lost the second world
> war, and while I have a great deal of pride in the accomplishments of
> the US during said war, the proper venue for such pride is _not_ in the
> logo of a software project.  As I said in the quoted post above,
> parodizing a national (and individual) accomplishment of which Americans
> are rightly proud is probably not an appropriate way to sell software...

Okay, so we both think the logo is inappropriate, but for different 
reasons. :) That's good enough for me.

See, this is exactly what I like about NetBSD folk. We're mostly logical 
and just try to get along. That's *so* cool. :)

At any rate, have a good weekend!
