Subject: Re: SSSCA
To: None <>
From: Charles Shannon Hendrix <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/05/2002 21:33:19
On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 03:26:01PM -0700, Rick Kelly wrote:
> So these foolish politicians are going to try to push the SSSCA.
> Turn the intel PC into a playtoy.

What I'm curious about is how they would make a hard drive comply with this
kind of thing.  It would have to either look for some kind of signature, which
could be fooled, or have to run software to handle this sort of thing.

The whole idea of enforcing copyright on digital media is just insane anyway.  

I also wonder about systems like Sun workstations.  I don't see how they could
possibly comply with SSSCA.  In fact, I don't really see how it could possibly
be enforced without enforcing it on all computers, even mainframes and

Otherwise, who is going to draw the line at exactly what is a Personal
Computer and it's peripherals, and what is a workstation, server, mini, or

I love it when an industry we largely don't need anymore goes to Congress for
