Subject: Re: NetBSD on non-MMU systems???
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Wes Peters <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/07/2002 11:36:20
"Perry E. Metzger" wrote:
> Daniel de Kok <> writes:
> > RTMX Inc. ( created real-time extensions for embedded OpenBSD
> > systems. For some time their site said that they contributed the extentions
> > to the OpenBSD project. I am wondering if they were ever implemented in
> > NetBSD too.
> I am wondering if they were ever put into OpenBSD -- I've never been
> able to track down the code. Having a bunch of that stuff in NetBSD
> would be interesting but I've never been able to find out what
> happened to the sources...

The last statement I was able to verify was that the RTMX sources had
been transferred to the OpenBSD Project, and were expected to be 
integrated into the OpenBSD source around 2.8 timeframe.  Anything
beyond that you would have to verify with Theo.

                                 Boats love me
                                 Sails fear me
Wes Peters <>                                     System Architect                                                DoBox Inc.