Subject: Re: Anecdote time
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/30/2001 10:48:33
In message <>, "Charles M. Hannum" w

I wanted to play with Caldera once, and I really liked the installer; it was
very pretty, and it was fun playing tetris.

Then I rebooted, and the system didn't work.  Lots of programs getting segv's.

Tried again.  Same problem.

Booted from CD, poked around, noticed that whole boatloads of system binaries
were corrupt.

So, I tried to install NetBSD.  Got pages and pages of error messages about
CD-ROM failing in strange ways, install aborted.  Swapped CD-ROM, everything
went fine.

To this day, NetBSD is one of the systems I use to test hardware.  It's not
just the normal "if this doesn't work, something must be wrong with the
hardware"; it's that if NetBSD doesn't work, it's very likely to tell me
