Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: Brett Glass , Greywolf <>
From: Brad Knowles <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2001 18:10:36
At 9:32 AM -0700 2001/1/19, Brett Glass wrote:

>  Wrong. What has happened is that certain people in the group, obsessed with
>  power and ego, see certain people with innovative or novel ideas as a threat.
>  They therefore attempt to brand them as whackos, and the more conformist
>  members of the group, and/or those who think they might have 
>something to gain
>  by doing so, go along and join the "pile-on."

	Right, everyone who opposes or disagrees with Brett is inherently 
evil.  I think we've heard this somewhere before.

	I won't make any claim as to whether or not I am "obsessed with 
power and ego", because I obviously would not be qualified to answer 
that question in the negative.  However, I think I can safely say 
that I am not one of "the more conformist members of the group".  I 
am certainly not "piling on".

	My personal reason for opposing you most of the time is that I 
find you an excessively annoying and tedious person to deal with, and 
you never seem willing to be able to actually listen and hear what 
other people have to say on the subject -- instead, you try to drown 
them out by droning on.

	Sadly, more often than not, this has exactly the desired effect, 
and drives a lot of people away from the FreeBSD project. 
Fortunately, there are a few more determined types that stick around 
anyway, although most of them seem to do so by killfile-ing 
everything you say and everything on any thread in which you have 
ever had anything to say.

	I recognize that you do occasionally have something useful to 
say, or something novel to add to the discussion.

	However, I find that this doesn't come anywhere close to making 
up for the sort of thing we typically hear from you -- your paranoid 
delusional ramblings, your extremely vocal opposition and personal 
attacks towards anyone who disagrees with you, and your cries of 
"poor pitiful me".

	And with that, I think I'm about ready to killfile you, too.  I 
believe that I am a rather tolerant person, and I've only ever 
killfiled two other people in my whole life with Unix (dating back to 
1984), but there's only so much from you that even I am willing to 
put up with.

	The worst of it is, in this particular case I think you have a 
valid point about there being a certain atmosphere of hazing with 
regards to the FreeBSD project -- maybe not from the committers 
themselves, but certainly by other people who are on the mailing 
lists and presumably have been on the mailing lists for some time.

	Sadly, this point has now gotten lost in the noise that you have 
generated about yourself.

   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <>