Subject: NetBSD T-Shirt Idea.
To: None <>
From: Ethan Bakshy <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/12/1999 15:09:07
Alright- this question comes up almost once a month, so I guess
it's my turn ;-)

I understand that we're sort of lacking in T-Shirts, but with all
these new geek-wear online stores popping up, I think it may be a
good idea to get one of them to print them for us, and even deal
with the orders and such. Copyleft will make significant contributions
to the organization the shirt is for, and I know that thinkgeek
seems to be very pro-BSD, but doesn't have any shirts yet.

In terms of design, I have a friend who does a lot of sketching on
paper, as well as vector stuff in Adobe Illustrator. I'm in the
process of turning him into a full fledged devil artist ;)

But I think with the combination of these pro-BSD/open-source
T-Shirt making mini-companies, talented artists (my friend, as well
as the people at ThinkGeek/Copyleft), and the lack of BSD shirts,
we can finally get some shirts made.  -- ethan

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used some of the wrong technology. We've learned that users don't
want to just use Java" -Loiacono, Sun Microsystems