Subject: Re: SETI...?
To: Bjoern Labitzke <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 08/22/1999 18:29:01
On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 12:22:43AM +0200, Bjoern Labitzke wrote:

> (For whoever knows:)
> Oh, BTW: Can we expect NetBSD-clients for x86 version 1.3? Or even better
> those clients in ELF format?

Eh? 1.3? That's there, isn't it? As for ELF clients, the SETI people did not
seem interested. They suggested running the SCO client, which is somewhat
silly. (I don't believe it was statically linked, although I may be wrong.)
I assume their interest in providing NetBSD-sparc-ELF clients will be even
less enthusiastic.

I guess I'll let my boxes idle. <shrug>

    Mason Loring Bliss  They also surf who
awake ? sleep : dream;  only stand on waves.