Subject: Re: is advocacy dead?
To: None <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/12/1998 09:42:35
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Subject: Re: is advocacy dead? 
From: Herb Peyerl <>
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Content-ID: <26335.908206954.1@lager>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:42:35 -0600

"Perry E. Metzger" <>  wrote:
 > I must admit I'm a bit disappointed. Lots of people seem to have good
 > ideas, but very few people seem to be taking it upon themselves to
 > execute.
 > Anyone have any ideas on organizing ourselves better to correct this?

Welcome to 'volunteer organizations'....

Lots of people have no difficulty in expounding at length what other
people should be doing... Very few people actually go ahead and do 
it... Armchair management...

Lots of people said "there should be a CD distribution that contributes
back to the project"... Some people even stood up to help; but in the 
end, no one actually did anything... So we did... 

The next problem is that when someone does something about one of these
things, everyone who said "someone should do this" steps back and says
"wait, you did it wrong".

I'm sure that if someone actually made system bezels and delivered
them, people on this list who said "we need system bezels" will order
some, get them and say "but they're not right.  we need someone who'll
do this right."

Note: this is different from the "if you're going to do it, then it should
be done this way" school which is how this should be managed...

Sorry, now I'm armchair philosophizing.