Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/11/1998 13:42:25
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Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 13:42:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Brownlee <>
To: Markus Illenseer <>
cc: Marc Baudoin <>, netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs
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On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Markus Illenseer wrote:

>  The Gateway! Vol. 3 is bootable for i386 with more recent BIOS using
> El Torito filesystem. Also, it is bootable for Amiga, because there
> is a life-filesystem on the CD.
	The OpenBSD CDroms are bootable on "i386, sparc, alpha, powerpc,
	and arc". I don't know if they do this by making each CD bootable
	on a subset of machines, but it would be nce if we could manage to
	make the NetBDS CDRom bootable on more platforms if possible.

>  I will probably stop adding a life filesystem for Amiga, but instead
> replace it for i386 - which is by far the most common platform.
	I wonder if we could add the source in a ustar format file (I
	noticed	the alpha bootloader has a ustarfs filesystem reader).

>  Packages are upto 1GB now, depending the platform. You need up to 
> 6GB to hold entire sources, object files, binaries and distfiles - for 
> one platform that is. With optimization during compilation ("make clean")
> it will fit on 3GB. The distfiles (binary distribution) take about 300
> up to 400MB per platform. Makes two platforms per CD at max.
	Maybe have binary packages for a small number of 'popular'
	packages for all platforms (perl, apache, tcsh, top, pine would
	be some suggestions - we really need to include a simple editor
	in there), and as much source for everything else as possible.

	We could put the binary packages on the first CD-Rom and have the
	install process optically install, and have the second CD with
	just pkgsrc and distfiles.

	Actually - has anyone looked at merging more of the various m68k,
	powerpc, and mips{eb,el} distribution files - comp.tgz etc? That
	could save us some more space.

>  Who is willing to risc a CD for each platform? That makes a total of
> 20 CD currently. My guess is, that a VAX, PMAX or even PowerPC CD is
> not a good seller.
	If we keep a small amount of binaries for each arch, and fall back
	to source for the packages we have a much better chance.


  -=-  "Old Red he died, and every single landlord in the district cried"  -=-