Subject: Re: IIvx/general lack of success
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Dean Batten <deb@physics.unimelb.EDU.AU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/04/1995 07:59:18
On Thu, 3 Aug 1995, Allen Briggs wrote:

> I built a kernel that just assumes you have 1MB.  I don't know what it
> will do if you just have .5.  It seemed to work for Keith, so it might
> work for the rest of you IIvx'ers that can't run at the moment.  If
> someone with 512K would like to try it and let me know that that still
> works, I'd appreciate it.  The kernel is just a raw kernel file, so copy
> it in with the installer's mini-shell cpin command.

Works like a charm ( 1M VRAM ). You're a champion.

************************************************************* --o
Dean Batten                 \ 
Physics Department         \\   -- O
University of Melbourne    (03) 344 7404                    \__|\  \
AUSTRALIA.                             I'D RATHER BE SKIING. \\     o
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