Subject: How to get a IIvx running BSD?
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Bj|rn Andersen <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/04/1995 21:46:17
Hi, I realize that this might be a newbie question, but I can't find
the mailing-list archives, so here goes:

I'd like to install NetBSD on my IIvx, on a SyQuest 3.5" 270MB drive.
I tried using NetBSD 1.0, from my local InfoMac Mirror site, but
booting via the serial port only got me as far as about 13 grey bars
on my main monitor. 

Can someone explain to me the details about how to install it on the
vx, and also if there are any current mirrors in Europe?



Thomas Bjorn Andersen,