Subject: getting sup to work.
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeremy A. Green <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/17/1995 22:17:27
I am trying to get sup to work so that I can get recent sources for netbsd.
I got the sup kit and made it and installed it. I tried to run sup with
the sample file and with a file that I made up. It ran for a while and
then gave me the following output:
bubba# /usr/local/sbin/sup -f supksource
SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for file supksource at May 17 22:02:29
SUP: Network write timed out
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP Upgrade of current-ksrc-common at Wed May 17 22:13:13 1995
SUP: Error sending needed files list to file server
SUP: Upgrade of current-ksrc-common aborted at May 17 22:13:13 1995
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP: Aborted
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP Upgrade of current-ksrc-mac68k at Wed May 17 22:13:13 1995
SUP: Error sending signon request to fileserver
SUP: Upgrade of current-ksrc-common aborted at May 17 22:13:13 1995
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP: Buffering already enabled
SUP Upgrade of current-security at Wed May 17 22:13:14 1995
SUP: Error sending signon request to fileserver
SUP: Upgrade of current-ksrc-common aborted at May 17 22:13:14 1995
Does anyone know what this means? I have never tried to use sup before so
I don't really know what I am doing.
Here is the contents of the file supksource:
(the line breaks after the hostbase are not there in the real file)
current release=ksrc-common hostbase=/a/anon_ftp
base=/usr prefix=/usr old use-rel-suffix
current release=ksrc-mac68k hostbase=/a/anon_ftp
base=/usr prefix=/usr old use-rel-suffix
current release=security hostbase=/a/anon_ftp
base=/usr prefix=/usr old use-rel-suffix
Any help would be appreciated...
Jeremy Green